Prayer for newborns

Dear Father, I want to be in your holy presence with the desire that you can hear me, Lord. And I want to prepare myself to be before You with the peace that only You can give me. Now that in front of You I address a Father of love, I ask you to hear what I have to tell you.

There are many people who live in this world, my God. There are many brothers and sisters in the world, we are all part of your creation. On this planet that by your holy will was populated by many living beings, we live together, my God.

My Lord, there are many small and defenseless creatures that come into the world very frequently. Day after day they come into the world with their little hearts full of life to be the blessing of their families.

For many, Most High, the arrival of a creature in their lives is synonymous with joy, with jubilation. For others, Lord, it is considered a problem and they do many bad things to prevent your arrival, things that they later regret, but it is too late.

Good God, God of love, enlighten their minds. Make them see that life has many purposes that sometimes we cannot see with the naked eye. Protect, Father, always, all the defenseless and defenseless that may come to this world. Give them your blessing and give them a good home where they can grow up with happiness and peace of mind.

In families where they receive with immense joy the news of the arrival of a baby in their lives, bless them with a good economy so that those who are to come will not lack anything, that they will not suffer from any lack and can develop with health and good education.

Merciful God, I am sure that you know my sins, even the smallest. And I know that inside me you can see that many times they have been mistakes for which I have already shown my regret.

Lord, do not see the size of my sins but the faith I have towards You. Do not pay attention to the errors, but keep in mind everything I have said and that I recognize my errors, and forgive me, Holy Father.

Blessed are you, Lord, because You give me the good things of this life. I thank you for all the time you have been with me and that you have taken care of me. For the gifts of your divine will, I am also in eternal gratitude. Praise be to you, Father, You who love everything without care about the size of your sins.

Take care, my God, the newborns. To the little ones and the little ones who come from your divine kingdom, never forsake them. Protect them from any evil and heal their diseases, do not allow them to suffer any suffering.

Give them a home where they can grow under the shadow of your love, where they can live obeying your sacred laws and become, in the future, good men and women so that they can also continue on your beautiful path.

Thank you for this space, my God of goodness, thank you because I know that you have heard my words and that you will keep your promise to hear me, Father. In the name of your son, our savior Jesus Christ, I ask you. Amen.