Prayer for rulers and authorities

Pheavenly father, this day is opportune to turn to You with my prayer. I want to thank you for everything you constantly do for me, for the joy I have of being able to enjoy the company of my loved ones, for showing me with them that you are always looking out for me. Thank you for the lives of my loved ones and for the people who exist throughout the world, even if I don’t know them, they are your children too.

Thank you dear God, for the country where I was born, because I am free to decide, to be able to think without being limited or prohibited, thank you for the cultural riches that my nation has, for the history that identifies me, the traditions and customs that from generation to generation I was taught to grow up with my family and despite many mistakes that arise, I am proud of the nationality I have.

Good Lord, I thank you for the people that praise my country, for the people who live in it and work very hard to progress and give the best to their children, for the citizen who gets up early to study and not be fooled by the corruption, for the indigenous who defend their rights and their mother nature and together with their community preserve your beautiful creation.

You, as King of everything that exists, moves and lives, I ask you on this occasion, to put your eyes on the people we have chosen so that they can represent our country, so that you enlighten them and among the rulers themselves, they can unite to work with one heart for You, for their people.

Beloved Lord, faithful sign of peace, love and tranquility, pour all this on our rulers, so that they can act according to the spirit. Increase their gifts and talents, always teach them to work with serenity, because our trust is placed in them so that they take our country forward in light and union. Grant us everything we ask of you, we do it with great humility my God.

Bless the minds of all the people who lead us not only politically, but in all contexts, so that they are always heard by You, do not lose humility with the position they now have and your children always recognize themselves, may love always reign in them.

Give them wisdom my God, so that all the decisions they can make are assertive and not for their own convenience. May the gift of advice be manifested in them so that the responsibilities they delegate to their workers are always the fairest.

Keep them away from error and discord, that they always strive to create new ways of being a community with our support and thus our nation is characterized by being more humane, united and peaceful. Teach us to serve you with more love, not to think twice about extending our hand to support each other, to support our authorities in justice and equality.

May your Holy Spirit be the insoluble link between our rulers and You, so that they are attentive to each people, no matter how hidden it is, be an example and reflection like You, who came to the world to be a revolutionary of love, changed human laws for divine ones that fill us with peace and thus, will lead us along the path of full happiness to your side.

Bless their hands, so that they are always willing to help, to get dirty in the dirt and work hard for their country, for its inhabitants. Bless their eyes so that they do not lose the vision that You trace for them, so that they look at us with mercy and do not get carried away by selfishness. Bless their feet, so that they walk with righteousness and each step is directed in your Name.

Take care of their hearts mighty Father, so that from the beginning of the day until it ends, they can place it in your hands and so they can be willing to listen and fulfill your precepts. Protect their families, let union and love be the transcendental source of their lives and not be neglected by the obligations they have for their community, let it be a job in parallel.

I beg you so that you can remove from their lives, all bad thoughts, corruption or greed. May You be able to be in front of everything that our leaders may have, be firm to all your convictions and thus be able to emerge victorious from the trials or temptations that constantly arise, I ask you in Jesus’ name, Amen.