Prayer for the conversion of my family

Beloved Father, before You I present myself with my heart in my hands, seeking your love and mercy. As in all the hours of my life, in which the world overwhelms me, I cry out for Your presence, which saves us. Blessed Father, let me enter Your holy presence and lay before Your feet all my sorrows.

Today I come to you, Almighty Lord, on behalf of my entire family. So that it knows of your glory. My family does not know of Your name. So that you never forsake them and that you show yourself before them with your glorious presence, that they see you and that you Recognize as the true savior.

My family has tried to guide me along the path of good. For this education received I have been able to know your greatness and your humility. However, they have not been able to do so. My family, beloved Father, needs Your guidance, Your healing hands, they need Your presence in their hearts.

Almighty God, see my family away from the path of your goodness, calm disturbs me. My family does not know of your ways, of the peace you provide when you dwell in our hearts. Knowing that you have not been accepted as the true and only savior breaks my heart.

Beloved Father, I present myself before You, asking for the salvation of my family. May it be Your glorious hand that unties the veil that blinds them, that veil of the world that prevents them from seeing the true path, peace, that salvation that You can grant us.

My God, I also pray for the other families who still do not know about the salvation that your presence offers us. I pray for them, to come closer to you because only you can free them from their bonds.

Beloved Father, I know that my family has committed sins, mistakes that have affected other people and families, even faults before you. My all-merciful God, I also pray for them, so that they find repentance. So that you can heal them and cleanse them from the sins they have committed.

Beloved Lord, my gratitude is with you for all the blessings you have poured into my life. It is because of you that I have health in my body, a stable job, I enjoy the presence of my loved ones, this constant growth within me.

Beloved Father, pleasant is your name when I pronounce it. Peace you deliver, Almighty, Blessed are you for allowing my family to be united and Blessed are you even more to know that you will work for them, attracting them to You. Praised be your name, beloved Father.

Beloved Lord, I ask you for the union of my family, that it be your saving hand that is imposed every day before them, pouring out Your blessings and freeing them from their ties and sins, thus preparing a future in your ways. Dear Father, make my family a center of worship to Your name.

Gratitude is what I keep for your Merciful Presence with all the weight that the world throws on my shoulders, You, Most High Father, have helped to strip me of all these ties. You are always, Beloved Father listener of your children. Blessed are you, Lord of love.

I know that my words will reach You, dear God. Divine master who sent his only begotten son so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. Thank you beloved Father, because with faith in your name even the mountains have to move. My blessed God, I ask you
hear my plea Amen.