prayer for the dead

While it is true that with prayers for the deceased, we accompany them at the time of their death, that is, at the funeral celebration and during the burial. However, our deceased loved ones also need our continued prayers after this event: that they their souls rest in peace and in the hope of the resurrection (for which we can also pray for the souls in purgatory). In this way, we can ask them in prayer to intercede for us before the Father, to receive communion communion with all the saints.

Here are some prayers to entrust the deceased of our families to the grace of God, which can be prayed the day of the Deadnamely, The 2nd of November, or a day after All Saints’ Day. They can also be prayed when bringing flowers to a grave in the cemetery, or simply when we are at home.

Novena for the blessed souls in purgatory

4982 members

Prayer for a deceased, to pray at home

“We ask you, Father of kindness, to listen to our prayer for NN

We know by faith that you participate in the eternal joy that you want for everyone.

You who created him in your image and love him as a son, make him live in the happiness of your Kingdom where we hope to meet all together forever.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Prayers for a deceased, to pray in the cemetery

Requiem aeternam (eternal rest)

“Lord, grant them eternal rest

and let eternal light shine upon them.

May everyone who has passed from our family rest in peace forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Find here the Latin version of this prayer and other traditional prayers.

All Saints: enter the mystery of eternity

566 members

Prayer for our deceased relatives

“Holy Father, eternal and Almighty God, we ask you for (names), which you called from this world.

Give(s) happiness, light and peace. May he/them having passed through death, share(s) with the saints of eternal light, as you promised Abraham and his offspring.

May their soul(s) suffer no more, and deign to resurrect them with the saints on the day of resurrection and reward.

Forgive them their sins so that they may attain immortal life with you in the eternal kingdom.

Through Jesus Christ, Your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.


(Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary)

“Give them, Lord, eternal rest and let your light shine for them”. (3x).

Novena to Divine Mercy

14708 members

Prayer for the blessed souls in purgatory

“Merciful Father, in union with the church triumphant in heaven, I beg you to have mercy on the souls in purgatory. Remember your eternal love for them and show them the infinite merits of your beloved Son. Deign to rid them of sorrows and pains, so that they may soon enjoy peace and happiness. God, heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of perseverance that you have granted to the souls of the faithful departed.

Kind Savior, Jesus Christ. You are the King of kings in the land of happiness. I ask that by your mercy you hear my prayer and free the souls in purgatory, in particular, N… Take them from the prison of darkness to the light and freedom of the children of God in the kingdom of your glory. Kind Savior, I thank you for having redeemed poor souls with your most precious blood, saving them from eternal death.

God Holy Spirit, kindle in me the fire of your divine love. Revive my faith and trust, kindly accept the prayers I offer you for the souls suffering in purgatory. I want to apply the merits of this devotion in favor of the entire suffering Church and especially for my deceased parents, brothers, sisters, benefactors, relatives and friends. Hear my prayer that we may meet in the kingdom of your glory.

God the Holy Spirit, I thank you for all the benefits with which you have sanctified, strengthened and relieved these blessed souls and especially for consoling them in their current sufferings with the certainty of eternal happiness. May they soon join you and hear those blessed words that call them home to Heaven: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father! Take possession of the kingdom that has been prepared for you from the beginning of the world” (Matthew 25:34) . Amen.”

With , give the dead of your family in prayer

If you need support or healing, after the death of a loved one or on an anniversary date, come pray to Mary, who suffered so much at the foot of the cross. Ask Him to give you her strength and to support you in feeling her presence: