Prayer for the family to accept the will of God

Lord of peace and trust, thank you for making my life a miracle, for the breath of life you give me and for keeping my family well. Thank you for always seeking the well-being of your children and giving us the opportunity to meet you through many people. At this time, I ask you to help us so that my family and I can accept everything that you have entrusted to us.

In your holy name, I would like to renew that commitment, many times we say that your will be done in everything you say, but when the time comes, we run away because what you want for us is not what we expect, but in the love that we have you allow us to be obedient in You my Lord.

My Lord, listen to all the pleas that I raise towards your altar, I ask you to saturate our lives with infinite love to be able to accept that your plans are better than ours, You, who were a man like us, understand how difficult it is to set aside the chalice and accept what the Father wants, that on many occasions his will is not the most beautiful.

But, over time we can understand the reason that allows and does not allow many things. My God, give us the discernment to know how to listen to you, from the intimacy of my being and define your precepts in my life and in that of my loved ones, so as not to stand aside from the path of your salvation.

Give us resignation if my family has to accept some very painful news such as the loss of a loved one or a job or opportunity that we thought was the only one. You know what pain is, you or have lived in your own flesh, I ask you to give us the necessary strength to accept the departure of many people, that death is not the end of the road and that full happiness still exists in your kingdom.

Comfort our hearts with the hope of eternal life, that everything we have done in this world is in vain, has its rewards or bad consequences. But give us the faith not to stop believing in all the promises you make to us, because your word is the absolute truth, because your existence is our life and path.

Beloved God, give us the peace of mind to pause our lives and know how to meditate from prayer or deep silence, to understand everything we have done with our actions, see the works that we have reflected throughout our existence and compare if we have really done what you have taught us.

If not, forgive us Lord, have mercy on us and fix our souls on what you have for us. Do not allow distraction or temptation to take me away from everything you have planned since before my existence for me. Give me a meek heart like yours, to accept your request with love.

I give you my heart and that of my whole family so that you mold it in the way that will benefit us, even if it seems difficult to accept it, but you would never do something that would hurt us. Take our hands, our feet, eyes and ears and guide them in the service that you wrote in the palm of your hand for us.

God of my life, thank you for making me a free being, for giving us the opportunity to choose You in our day and night. Because with you there is no loss, but the gain of being happy. You know all the weakness that is in me, you know the times when we feel confused and that many times our minds are clouded and we do not know what decision to make.

Send your Holy Spirit of wisdom, so that we can understand each event, each door that you open or close and accept your will, although many times we do not want to but it is convenient for our lives, give us a willing heart to do all the things that can please you

My family and I want what you want, because your will is good, perfect and pleasant. Deliver us from the enemies who want to separate us from You and destroy our union as a family, may You always be the center of our lives to listen to your Word and keep it as the most precious treasure in Jesus name, Amen.