Prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Mercy, God the Father, is what You have in abundance. I am ready to stand before You, Lord, with a humble heart and the patience to live this life that you have given me in the best way. I want to be in your Holy Presence, my God.

How many times before You have we talked about our mistakes, about all the times we have been wrong and, even so, on many occasions, we have persisted in sin. You know how to forgive, beloved God, everything we do and you know the interior of each one of your children.

Sins always lead us down the path of evil and on that path we only find burden, much discomfort and numerous concerns. We will never be happy to act in this way, but sometimes we do not realize it and continue to act in the wrong way.

The sadness that the path of sin brings is so much, Lord, that no one could say that they are happy being like this. Only in You is it possible to find redemption, obtain a forgiveness that calms the spirit and allows us to start over.

This is what I ask of you, my Father of mercy. Forgive me, forgive my offenses, all the faults I have committed in my life, for which you see that I show a lot of repentance. Forgive me for disrespecting Your holy name, forgive me for not fulfill your commands.

Forgive, blessed God, all my brothers and sisters in the world who have also been wrong and have acted badly, harming others and offending Your name, Celestial father. Forgive us because many times we do not know what we are doing and we proceed in the wrong way and when we notice the damage, sometimes it is too late.

How many times have I seen the consequences of my bad actions and realized that I could have acted differently. But I am a human being, my great God, I am a human being who makes mistakes and could never reach your perfection. That is why sin is not foreign to me and I am always in danger of committing mistakes, blessed Father. Forgive me, Lord, so I can start over with you by my side.

Cleanse my soul, Most High, give me the confidence to advance along the path always doing good, without harming or harming my neighbor, but on the contrary, seek their well-being and help in whatever is within my reach. Allow, Father God, that good always act in me.

With a calm heart, my Lord of kindness, I will be able to move forward with happiness and peace. My God, I thank you for all the blessings you have given me, for my health and because you have never allowed real need to pass, but you have protected me under the light of Your immense love.

I leave my sins at Your feet, my beloved God. You who can do everything You who forgive everything, will know how to excuse my mistakes and prepare me to be a better person. Bathe my soul with your wisdom, Lord, and show me the right path I should walk.

I thank you, heavenly Father, for the opportunity I have to be able to talk to you so affectionately and tell you everything I think and that sometimes worries me and does not let me do my daily things in peace.

I ask you to hear my words in the name of Your beloved son, Jesus Christ, because He alone is the way to get to You. Amen.