prayer for the sick

Prayer is a way of face the disease, endure it, and overcome itbut, above all, to bring in christ savior in our lives.

“Come to me all you who are afflicted and burdened, and I will relieve you.” (Matthew 11:28). There are many prayers for the sick, including prayers for healing, and prayers that are more specific, for example prayers for people with cancer. Here are three beautiful prayers that we can make to deliver our health, or that of our brothers and sisters, to the mercy of the Lord.

Prayer to the Virgin of Lourdes for our sick relatives

“Oh most lovable Virgin of Lourdes, mother of God and our mother!

Full of affliction and with tears flowing from our eyes, we come in the bitter hours of illness to your maternal heart, to ask you to pour out the treasure of your mercy on us by the hand full.

We are unworthy for our sins that you listen to us: but remember that it has never been heard that none of those who have come to you have been abandoned.

Tender mother! Kind mother! Sweet mother!

Since God works by your hand innumerable healings in the prodigious grotto of Lourdes, healing so many victims of pain, also keep a look of blessing for our poor sick person… (say the name of the sick person).

Obtain from your divine son Jesus Christ the desired health, if it is to be for the greater glory of God.

But much more, reach us all the forgiveness of our sins, patience and resignation in suffering and, above all, a great and eternal love for our God, imprisoned for us in the Tabernacles.


Prayer according to the ritual of the anointing of the sick

“We beg you, our Redeemer, that, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, heal the pain of this sick person, heal his wounds, forgive his sins, drive away all suffering from his body and soul and restore him to spiritual and bodily health, so that, restored by your mercy, he may return to the tasks of his life. You who live and reign for ever and ever. R. Amen.”

Short prayer that the patient himself must pray

“My Lord and my God, for your love and for your mercy heal us from all diseases, because we are your children. Heal us especially from those that human science cannot cure. Help us to always keep our souls pure from all sin. Amen.”

Prayer for all the sick and for health personnel

Prayer for the “World Day of the Sick”

“Let us raise our prayers to God, the merciful Father, in whom we place our trust as we begin this season of Lent. We do it through the mediation of Mary, health of the sick, responding:

R. We trust in you, Lord.

For our sick brothers: so that, experiencing the mystery of the cross, they may also feel the close and maternal presence of the Virgin.

For the families of the sick, the professionals, the volunteers, and all those who attend and care for them, so that they become precious icons of trust and accompaniment at the side of those who suffer.

For all men and women religious consecrated to the service of the sick and poor: so that, like Mary on her visit to Elizabeth, they may be an image of Christ’s care for the brothers who need us.

Hear, Father, our prayer and give us a compassionate heart like Mary’s, so that we may show ourselves ever more attentive to the needs of our suffering brothers and sisters and commit ourselves, without fear, to accompany them. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

‘s prayer in the face of the coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)

This year 2020 has been marked by challenges such as difficulty, uncertainty and suffering in the presence of Covid-19. Today, more than ever, it is essential that we remember that we are not alone, that God is with us. At this time, our trust in Him is tested in a very special way. Let us pray together for all the people who have been affected by this disease, through the prayer community “In pain and difficulty, I trust in God.” and let us pray to be strengthened in difficult times.

Other prayers to pray when facing illness

There are many other prayers to accompany the sick, whether they have ailments in the body or in the soul. In fact, we can pray more specifically for a sick child or for people who are in their last days, so that the Lord will be with them until the end of their journey on this earth… In our prayers, it is good to remember the staff of health, those who care for the sick and all those people who, like Jesus, put themselves at the service of the weakest.

To give even more strength to our prayers, we can decide to offer a novena (pray for nine days), or pray in community, presenting the intentions for the sick in the universal prayer. These intentions can be presented during a Eucharistic celebration. In addition to this, we can also pray a litany for the sick. Let us not forget the relief that the holy sacraments produce to the sick: the sacrament of reconciliation, the eucharist Y the anointing of the sick.