Prayer for those who suffer persecution

Beloved Father, today I put myself in Your Presence rejoicing because I recognize in You the Most High God who is always watching over me and gives me the energy to live firmly in my faith. Blessed Lord, I want you to hear my words and see that I have a prepared heart and a ready mind to speak with you.

There are brothers and sisters of mine, Lord, who are going through difficult times. This world is sometimes cruel to many and makes them suffer injustice and persecution. I think of them and I feel sorry for their suffering, my Father. They need consolation and a lot of tranquility, Lord.

Day by day, Lord, I see that evil reigns in this world and there are many victims of the hatred and contempt of many others who have decided to go the wrong way. Illuminate the path of all those who are being harmed by the violence of the enemy.

You who know everything, Lord, must understand what is in their minds and in their hearts. The affliction they suffer when they are in delicate situations or in problems that sometimes overwhelm them. There is pain in their spirits, Holy Father.

Allow, Lord, that they may find the calm that they crave so much. Give them peace within and the strength, the courage they need to face the storms that come, Father. Give them calm and allow their life to change for the better and they no longer have to suffer anymore.

Blessed Lord, I am not in that situation now and it is all by your grace, Father. You have always taken care of me and you keep away the evils of my life. But I can’t help but think of all those who do suffer every day, they are my neighbor and I wish them well.

As a human being, Father, I know that I have committed faults and those sins can stain my good deeds. But I ask you, Most High, oh, Wonderful God, that you know how to gracefully see my desires to do good before my mistakes.

My life is beautiful, Lord, because I recognize that You give me blessings daily. Lord, Father of Love, I will never forget all those you did for me and the help you gave me whenever I needed it. That is why I am confident that you will help your children who are in trouble and in times of need in the same way.

Lord, I always glorify Your Name, because You are my Creator, my Father. You are kindness and mercy and I love you with all my heart. Be praised by all the men and women of the world, my Lord.

To my brothers and sisters who are under difficult moments of doubt, when the evil seems greatest, I will tell them to have confidence in the Most High, because there is nothing that You cannot do, My Father.

I will always be grateful for the wonderful opportunity I have to communicate with you and be your creation, my God. You are the hope that I have to continue living according to the teachings of Your Beloved Son.

In your Name, Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior, I ask you to calm the storms in the lives of my neighbors. Blessed Lord who loves us no matter what, I have full confidence in You. I know you hear my cry, Father. In the name of Your Beloved Son I ask you. Amen.