Prayer for wisdom

Almighty, today I put myself in your presence to speak to you with the sincerity of one who fully trusts his Father. and he is not afraid to show himself as he is, showing an honest heart and the humility of someone who recognizes that, without God, he is nothing.

I am about to stand before You, loving Father, hear me. You listen to my words and, in my request, recognize my main desire and give me what I ask for if you, in your immense intelligence, can see what I really need to improve.

Because, Lord, for a long time I have seen that day after day I have made mistakes that have caused damage not only to me but also to those I love and those I hold dear, such as my family and friends. For this reason, Heavenly Father, on this occasion I want to talk to you about my desire to improve.

I want to think things through before making a decision, I want to be able to observe everything around me well and carefully to realize what is happening to me and the people close to me. I want to be able to make the right choice.

I ask you, my most holy Lord, to give me wisdom. Illuminate my path with your light of kindness, allow me to obey your commands when walking and that justice is always with me to make decisions that can benefit everyone when there is a problem.

Dear Father, who for so long have understood men and women and, understanding their interests, you have always decided to give them what they deserve and need to improve every day, I ask you to grant me the opportunity to see things more maturely.

And I know that with your wisdom I will be able to achieve it, because in this way the blessing that you will give me will allow me to realize all my mistakes, Lord, all those mistakes that have only brought misfortune to my life. And I want to correct them, Lord, I want to be better.

I ask you to forgive my sins, to make me a good person. Cleanse my soul, Father, make me start again and with that opportunity I will do great things. But help me, Lord, because I need You.

I thank you for all the blessings given to my life, because if I find myself as I am now, it has been thanks to your power, to your gifts, my Father. And that comforts me, knowing that you never forsook me and you were always there for me.

I ask you, too, Lord, for my brothers and sisters in the world, because they too deserve a chance. If they are looking for answers, my God, if they are longing in their hearts for the maturity to live correctly, help them, my beloved Father.

I thank you for this space of prayer, most holy God, because only at this moment can I feel fully happy. I ask you to allow me to continue having these moments to dialogue with you and trust you with my secrets and my fears.

I trust that you will listen to my words and take my requests into account. I entrust my prayer to your son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is the way, the truth and the life. And I know well that he will carry my prayers to You, my Lord. I bless you and praise you always. Amen.