Prayer from Psalm 10 – Confidence in God’s justice and victory (Explanation)

Why are you far away, O Lord,
and hide yourself in times of tribulation?

With arrogance the bad persecutes the poor;
get caught up in the devices they have devised.

Because the bad guy boasts of his soul’s desire,
and blesses the covetous and despises the Lord.

The wicked, because of the haughtiness of his face, does not seek God;
God is not in any of his thoughts.

His ways are crooked at all times;
your judgments are far from his sight;
he despises all his adversaries.

He says in his heart: I will never be shaken,
nor will adversity ever reach me.

His mouth is full of cursing, and deceit, and fraud;
under his tongue is wickedness and iniquity.

He lurks in the villages;
in hiding places he kills the innocent.
His eyes stalk the underdog.

Lurks in secret, like the lion from his den;
lurks to catch the poor;
he catches the poor man by bringing him into his net.

It shrinks, it crouches,
and many unfortunates fall into its strong claws.

He says in his heart: God has forgotten;
he has covered his face; she will never see it.

Arise, O Jehovah;
oh God, raise your hand!
Do not forget the poor.

Why does the wicked despise God?
In his heart he has said: You will not have to ask for an account.

You have seen it, because you see the wickedness and the vexation,
to give the reward with your hand;
the helpless welcomes you;
You are the helper of the fatherless.

Break the arm of the wicked and the wicked;
chase their wickedness until you find none.

Jehovah is King from eternity to eternity;
nations have disappeared from their land.

The desire of the humble you have heard, O Lord;
you will dispose his heart and incline your ear,

to judge the fatherless and the oppressed,
so that man on earth does not sow terror again.