Prayer in times of distress

Dear Heavenly Father, on this day I want to thank you infinitely for everything you have given me in this life, for my parents, for my children and for my whole family, because despite going through difficult times that cause me worries and sadness, you are always by my side allowing me to get ahead, successful in the trials that arise in this constant struggle that we live day to day.

I thank you, my Father, because I am certain that I can always count on you, especially in these moments of anguish. I am going through, because I know that You will be by my side accompanying me, taking care of me and giving me your unconditional support, because your love and kindness are infinite for all your children.

My dearest Lord, I also want to thank you because you always hear my prayers and my pleas, because my faith in You is unbreakable Lord and because you are always willing to listen to me and help me; I believe that without your help nothing would be possible, my God.

It is for this reason that today I turn to You, God of my life, with all my love and with my open heart to ask you to continue giving me your support, your mercy and your consolation in these moments of anguish and despair that have touched me. to live.

Do not allow me to sink into anxiety and sadness, help me to move forward, to overcome all the obstacles that arise, because You can do everything Lord, help me find the peace and tranquility that I need to face these issues that overwhelm me so much.

My Lord, I also want to ask you to give me patience and wisdom to be able to face these burdens that You well know and that do not let me live in peace. You tell us in your Word that all of us who are tired should go to You, because You will give us rest, please, do not let me fall into depression, hopelessness and despondency.

My God, give me strength and courage not to give up in the fight against these problems that have me so distressed, I put myself in your blessed hands my Lord, help me, guide me, accompany me as you have always done, my good God. Do not forsake me, do not leave me alone, Lord, in You I trust my God, but above all may your holy will be done.

I trust in You and I am convinced that, taken by your hand, I will be able to emerge victorious from this anguish that torments me. I know that problems are temporary, but You, my holy and good Lord, are forever.

I have faith in You, Father of everything possible, but I have to admit that many times I am weak and fall into despair, into disturbance and I let myself be overwhelmed by that anguish that takes over my being and makes me withdraw the look that I always have on you. Allow no more, merciful God, have mercy on me!

And in these moments of constant anguish that I find myself living, I will get discouraged, lift me up, blessed God, take me by the hand and help me out of despair, because nothing is impossible for you, because you are great, good and incomparable.

Thank you my God because I know that you listen to me, that I can count on you whenever I need you, I know that You will be there with me, because You never leave any of your children alone and I know that you will not abandon me no matter what happens my God.

My God, I ask you on this day to pour out your blessings on this servant of yours and on my whole family, so that together we can overcome all the problems, sufferings, needs and anxieties and we can live in peace and harmony, in communion with you Lord. I ask this in the name of your beloved Son Jesus, Amen.