Prayer of conversion and healing

Lord, I raise my prayer to your name, because in You our paths begin and end. You are the owner of my life and only in your mercy will we find salvation. Here is my heart that brings you my words.

Father, these are propitious days for confusion and sin. You know well how weak the flesh is, who if not you to know me wrong and look at my audacity to believe that I am the one who decides the steps. Father, look at me now repentant and devastated, trembling for You.

Sometimes we tend to hear voices, which we believe are friends, indicate us a path that is not Yours, and I have followed them, Father, more than once, harming myself and harming mine, I have made decisions valued in temporary rewards and then feel the pain from your disappointment, help me to return to You, oh, beloved Father.

I know that in your infinite wisdom you contemplate each one of our merits and so I have accepted it. I have understood my disobedience and, therefore, the pains, the illnesses that are now imposed on me. Only your wisdom, Father, knows well how to educate us, but I only ask you, you manage to forgive me.

I only ask you, Blessed Father, allow me again the grace of your hands, to become a son who is worthy of You, I only ask you to cure me of all the evil that exists and tries to keep us away, protect me, give me strength, always live in me.

And just like me, remember other unfortunates who have chosen the wrong paths, who have succumbed to the temptations of money, power or an ephemeral pleasure, and who suddenly still haven’t woken up from the hypnotism to which evil subjects them.

Lord, listen to this your servant who is the same one who offended your designs, look at my repentance. I am the one whose hands hurt, Lord, the one who could not understand that the road must be long because that is how the reward will be, I am the same one who believed he was moving away from You and mistreated the world, your world, and who now begs your fire, beloved Father, your medicine, your forgiveness.

Because this is your kindness that has not abandoned me and allows me to continue even after being weak. Thank you for not forgetting me, Lord, nor my family or friends, thank you because this is your mercy.

Praised be your mercy, blessed God. Praise your path that you allow us to follow towards salvation. Glory to You, my Lord.

Stay by my side, Lord. Convert my heart, heal me from temptation and from the past. Grant me the grace to be your servant again, a worker in my brothers of the gift of your word. Allow me that grace, Father, to be renewed for You.

Thank you also for listening to me. For providing care to all your children. This is also proof of infinite affection, praised be your name. And glorified be always, Lord, for all your sons and daughters in the world.

May the love of Jesus, your son, our Lord, also receive this plea and may his light never abandon us. In his name I commend these words to you, I know that my prayers will reach you through him. I ask you, Lord. Amen.