Prayer of faith for my daily life

Blessed Heavenly Father, today I prostrate myself again before You, to thank you for all the blessings you grant me and with which you allow me to rejoice. This day, I ask you to receive this prayer as a token of my faith. Words are the instrument to show you my devotion, take this prayer as a sign of love and gratitude for your holy power. Hear my prayer, Lord my God.

There are times when my attention fades and I can’t see the exits that You, God the Father, place in front of me. I only find the frustration that surrounds me and defeats me. Help me to continue my efforts to follow your light, Loving Father.

The problems of everyday life reinforce the lack of trust in myself or in the people around me, I fill myself with resentment and cause harm to others. My Father, there are days when I do not recognize myself and I only have to remember your Holy Power.

God the Almighty Father, my soul faints before the little strength I have left to continue my life, despair falls over my head and makes me faint, give me your hand My God, and help me out of the hole and misfortune.

I beg you Father God, owner of my life, to show me the way to restore faith in me, in You, in my loved ones. I want to trust my strengths again and get out of the misery that sinks me and separates me from the truth. Do not allow storms and problems to make my life shipwreck and doubts can overwhelm my being.

Savior Father, give me the strength to believe you and to believe in the virtue of my heart, I recognize the eyes of the pained person when he passes by my side, when I run into him at work or on the street. Give them my God, the strength to follow your light and your goodness again.

God the Father, maker of the universe, serious is my mistake of forgetting your name when I feel in darkness, I beg forgiveness for the baseness of forgetting my faith. I ask you, my God, to embrace my soul and give it back the desire to follow your path of virtue and salvation.

I thank you Heavenly Father, for leaving me a thread of light in the most unfortunate moments, for not letting me completely end myself. You whose infinite power extends over all of us, thank you my God.

Yours is the glory and goodness of our hearts. Our souls rise in gratitude for your holy power and Salvation. Blessed is your glory, My Merciful God. Every detail you put in the creation is to show the immense love you have for me. I believe, I trust in You and I love You above all things, my good Lord.

Remember God the Father this voice that implores you to return to the path of life and Salvation, restore, Holy Father, my faith in your Blessed power. I want to trust in your virtue and my strength to get out of the misery that clouds me and distances me from Your name, Lord.

Thank you God Heavenly Father, for allowing this mortal sinner to approach your Holy presence and raise my prayer to you. Blessed is your name that comes out of my voice and enlightens me. Give me the opportunity to become a much better person and to know that you are always with me, by my side, so as not to fall before the tests.

Thank you blessed Father, because I know that you are attending to my pleas and my prayers. Thank you because my faith is increasing as I get to know you. Bring me closer to You, to your word and feed my spirit at all times. All this, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, your Beloved son, Amen.