Prayer of forgiveness for the family

Blessed God, my beloved Lord, I want to be in your presence with a humble heart, ready to tell you everything that worries me, everything that has made me think a lot these days. It is important to me that You know everything that has happened in my life.

My God, there is never a shortage of worries in this life that flood my mind with bad thoughts that weaken me and make me fear the future. Almighty, erase them from my mind and make me a person worthy of being called your creation.

Lord, within this world, as I told you, there are things that make us think so much about life and its risks, but I cannot stop thanking you for the gift you have given me and that makes me very happy.

My family is a very precious treasure for me, Lord, because in them is often the motivation to continue with my goals and fight for what I consider good in the world. They gave me the strength I needed to face complications at work and in life in general.

We are here now, my Father, to acknowledge that we have been blinded by bad advice and have made many mistakes. You will know how to understand, my God, the difficult situation in which we find ourselves. Because as humans, despite trying to be in your ways, we fail.

That is why I ask you, Lord, on this occasion, that you can heal my family of all their wounds and restore their spirits, give them the strength to get up from this fall and the will to go out before the hand of your holy word.

And forgive us, my God. For the many mistakes made. I know that my family is not bad, but sometimes the bad influence or temptations are close and we cannot avoid failing. I ask your divine mercy, Lord, that you know how to understand our circumstances.

Give us your immense forgiveness to feel that our lives have meaning again. Because without You we could do nothing, my Father. We are nothing if we are not close to You. Please look at our repentance. Fix your gaze on our suffering hearts.

Look, Lord, at the will we have to make amends for everything we did wrong. Guide us, heavenly Father, along the path of humility to know how to recognize each of our mistakes and be able to correct them in time for the good of the people we offended.

I praise you always, Most High. You are the only and almighty God. I always place my trust in you and I feel completely happy to know that you are my Father and you care about me, to know that you watch over my well-being all the time.

And that you take care of me in my day to day life, without allowing dangerous situations to get close to me. I glorify you, most holy God, because only you express such concern for me and you are unconditional, you accompany me at all times despite my sins.

I thank you for this space where I can pray and I can feel you in privacy, without fear that you know what I have to say. In the name of Jesus Christ, your beloved son, I commend these words to you. Blessed are you, Lord. Amen.