Prayer of hope for the conversion of the world

Lord of love, thank you for giving me one more moment to talk with you and raise this prayer with much love for the world. Blessed are you Holy Father, because you allow me to enjoy beautiful moments with my family and my friends.

I want you to know that this prayer comes from the depths of my heart, because my concern is great as well as my hope. Many people will join this prayer because I know that it is a common concern for all.

Merciful Father, I ask you to have pity and compassion for the world, to fill the hearts of people with humility and hope, because now we are taking a very wrong course.

People have lost respect and every time there are many more doubts that are generated. There are very few answers to everything that is happening in recent times and that is why people have stopped trusting.

I just want to ask you, that you can be an inspiration of faith and hope for those who still trust in your holy name, to be able to be reflections and testimonies of your existence and thus be able to spread our faith to others.

Beloved God, I am confident that the Earth will be filled with your love and goodness and that sadness and desolation will be removed from this world.

Blessed Lord, I want to cling to your love and feel privileged to know you and to know that only in You is the only truth that the rest of the world refuses to recognize.

Oh blessed Lord, may wars, desolation and sadness end in a better world, where children have reasons to smile and mothers reasons to be happy. Father God, may the world come out of those moments of difficulty again and may it choose the paths of love and peace.

Thank you blessed God, because I know that the prayers that we raise your children are taken into consideration. Help us not to despair and know how to be patient with the designs you have for us.

There is much to do and much to work for, many people to save and few are the workers of your holy vineyard. However, I want to be that instrument that helps the conversion of this world, I want to bring joy to hearts that are sad and hope to those who have lost it.

Pour your love over the world and make a resplendent light illuminate the minds of those who govern the countries, so that they are aware of good and evil and fight together for the defense of life, peace and love.

Give me the strength and courage to be able to continue in this difficult task that I have, Hold me if I want to fall and give me your water so I don’t die of thirst in this complicated world and in these difficult times, Amen.