Prayer to apologize to others

Blessed are you, Father. In You we can all find comfort, advice and calm. Today I put myself in Your Wonderful Presence with the hope that you can hear my words and bring about a change in me, Lord.

I want to have a prepared heart, my God. I want to be humble, have the kindness and simplicity to recognize my faults and be able to apologize to whoever is necessary. Lord, You who can forgive any of our offenses even before we have committed the fault, give me the ability to forgive like You.

And also, merciful Father, the certainty of knowing when I was wrong and asking my neighbor for forgiveness when necessary. Good Lord, the request that you make me a good person has always been in my prayerswith transparent principles and intentions that are the best.

In my heart I keep the words of your holy will. Just as I can be offended by a situation and feel hurt, so help me to realize that other people feel the same and need those who have offended them to seek their forgiveness.

Help me to change, Lord. Many times I have shown pride in my actions, pride is such a great evil and deprives us of so many good things. Don’t let it live in me, Lord. Disappear from me all trace of pride and give me the maturity to act properly in the face of any problem.

Don’t let anger dominate me, Lord. When I am about to offend my neighbor, I will take your word for it and calm down, take a deep breath and look for a better way to resolve conflicts.

Most High Lord, I have seen how difficult it is for many to ask for forgiveness, recognize their faults and try to amend their mistakes. I also ask you, my Lord, for all those who still persist in their mistakes and have not been able to solve their problems. Give them peace within to live better.

In your presence the true benefits of life are born. Lord, do not allow me to separate from You. Let, just like me in the foolish words of those who try to harm me, my neighbor knows how to listen only to the good wishes that may come out of my mouth and not pay attention to the negative comments that I may make at the time of my mistake.

I want, Father of Life, to achieve in me the habit of quickly asking for forgiveness. I don’t want anger, sadness or any other feeling that hurts to stay too long inside my neighbor. Lord, that as soon as I have committed a fault, I can hasten to correct it.

Because your heart is big, my God, I know that my words are now already in your Holy Presence. You, who have forgiven me from the beginning of my life, will know how to understand my request and grant me what I ask of you with the wisdom of knowing the right moment.

Because you are my Father, by your side I feel immense joy. Lord, give me more moments with you. It is my wish, dear Lord. It is my joy to be conversing with you for much longer.

I ask you to hear my words in the name of Jesus, Our Lord, Your Beloved Son, and that the life I have now continues to improve by Your work and grace, Father. Bless you. Amen.