Prayer to ask for the presence of God

Dear God, Creator of heaven and Earth and everything that exists in the Universe, I thank you for having given me life and above all for being your son, because I know that you are there listening to my prayers, my requests and that you know of my deepest desires.

Divine Lord, You who are everywhere and in every place, I ask you to never abandon me, I would like to walk always holding your hand, to never get away from You, because I love you too much my God.

My beloved Lord, on this day I want to ask you to forgive all my sins and offenses that I may have committed against you or that may have hurt you, I repent with all my heart and I promise not to do it again my God, I do not want to hurt you in any way I need you in my life, because you are the most important thing to me.

Father in heaven, help me to be persevering in my decisions, to be obedient in your commandments, because I know that only by fulfilling them will we have the precious Salvation and Eternal Life and we will always be in your blessed presence, Lord.

Lord, I want to feel you always in my life, I want to feel your love in the simple things of life, in my prayers and joys, even in my sadness, because every time I am sad I look for you my God and that is when I get closer to You, feeling your comfort and the hope that everything will be better.

Through this prayer, blessed heavenly Father, I want to cry out to your presence in my life, I want to cry out for you to come Lord once again upon me with your light, with your repairing fire, with that ardor that I feel in my heart through your love, beloved God, the one who is the faithful and true proof that I can feel you. every time I put myself in prayer.

I would like to pray at all times, because when I do, I feel your presence Lord, I feel closer to You and I ask You to grant me Your blessing and the grace to pray to know how to get to You, to pray without giving up trying to get closer and closer to You.

My God, I offer you my house and my family, we want to feel your presence Lord, pour out your blessings on each one of those who live in my home, so that with your help we can move forward united with You and live times of peace, love and understanding.

My good God, open my mind and my heart so that I can always please you with my words and my actions, allow me to adore and praise you, teach me to pray because your beloved son Jesus said: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, call and it will be opened to them, because everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

On this day I want to trust that You hear this prayer that comes from the depths of my heart, my God. Listen to the plea of ​​this son of yours who only wants to be in your presence, who only wants your company and to know that, no matter what happens, You, my Lord, are by my side wherever I go, guarding me from all danger and protecting me. of all disturbance.

Stay with me, beloved Lord, stay by my side with your radiant and loving presence, because with you I can do everything, with you everything is clearer and there is no problem that is not resolved in your great and blessed name, Father of goodness. Stay here once more and transform everything that needs to be transformed, wonderful Lord, I trust in You.

Heavenly Father, I want to count on you always, allow me to be by your side, I want to feel your presence in each and every act of my life, in the lives of my children, my family, my work and my home in order to achieve full joy of being in your presence and counting on your blessing. All this I ask in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen.