Prayer to be successful in my projects

Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful to you for each of the blessings you pour out on me. and my family Lord, thank you because you keep me in good health, because every day I can enjoy my loved ones and get new experiences by their side.

Thank you for the good times and also for the difficult ones that make me grow, blessed God, thank you for my family, for my friends, but above all and most importantly, thank you for always being by my side regardless of the mistakes of the past, my great and good Lord.

Thank you my God too, for every opportunity to achieve my goals and achieve my goals. Thank you, good Father, because through this prayer I can talk to you and tell you about my most longed-for dreams and all the projects I have in mind, and because I know you listen to me and you are always ready for my needs.

You have given me the ability to carry out different activities that fill my life with joy, you allow me to set goals and fulfill them, you give me challenges that make me stronger, more persevering and above all, brave. Thank you, my Lord, for everything that you allow to happen in my life and also for those things that you do not, because I know that your wisdom is infinite and that only you know what is best for me.

Day after day I strive to be to your liking Heavenly FatherMay my actions reflect the immense love I feel for You. I have set myself goals Lord and I hope to achieve them, but always waiting for your will my Lord. You know what those projects are that I have in mind and I also know that You will help me and guide me according to Your will.

Most Holy Father, in this humble prayer, I want to ask you fervently for my projectsthose for whom I am striving day after day, putting all my efforts and my intellect, merciful Lord, so that everything can be successful and I can feel that satisfaction that only comes from You.

I ask you to please take me by the hand on this long road, so that my projects, whatever they may be, are always guided by your light of love, my Lord; May I not forget You or your blessings when I can reap the fruits of my granted desires.

May my projects be guided by your wisdom Lord, that I can realize in time when I am doing things wrong, that I may be able to recognize what I am failing and improve, so that the fulfillment of my projects is based on my good judgment and on your constant guidance.

Beloved Father, I ask you that in the course of carrying out this project, I keep my feet firmly on the Earth, that I remain humble and with a good heart, that I can always have your wise teachings in my mind, your sacred example.

My greatest wish is to successfully achieve my projects Lord, that I can reach the goal that I have set for myself, that I can keep my objectives clear, that I be able to deal with the obstacles that come along the way. May I be strong and diligent, I ask you Father to give me confidence in myself to know that I am capable and prepared to achieve my goals and be able to complete my projects.

Blessed Lord, still when the road becomes very difficult, do not allow it to break my own beliefs, my rules and principles, that the easy path does not tempt me, that I do not give in to temptations just to finish earlier than expected with what I so long for and need. I ask that sanity always be with me, that I can be optimistic in the face of obstacles on the road to success.

Dear Father, there is nothing that You cannot achieve or achieve, that is why I have entrusted myself to You, knowing that everything that rests in your hands is always obtained. You have the last word my Lord, and my greatest desire is that you can grant me the joy of being successful in my projects, that I can achieve each of my goals always held by your hand. I trust you will do what is best for me LordIn the name of your blessed Son Jesus Christ, Amen.