Prayer to bless Christmas dinner

Beautiful Lord, God of peace and king of our lives, thank you for all the gifts that you give us tonight, thank you for all the food and for all the people who are gathered around this table. Thank you because on this Christmas night, you continue to bless us and continue to give us your immense love.

I thank you, blessed Father, for each one of the lives of the people who are sharing the table, Thank you for your company and for allowing the family to be reunited. May these special dates be a reflection of your love and grace.

I also ask you, Divine Lord, for the people who are not with us, for those who are far away for different reasons, for those who could not meet us physically, but who are always close to our hearts.

Gathered at this table we commemorate the birth of your precious Son Jesus. We remember the sign of humility in Bethlehem, which impels us to serve and live under the symbol of love. That is why we want to celebrate the arrival of your Son with a Christmas dinner, a dinner that is the fruit of the effort and work of all of us who are gathered here.

I ask you to bless each of the foods that we are going to share, so that they serve to nourish our bodies and that we share them with great humility and love. Thank you for the hands that have prepared them with much care and love. Bless the bread, bless the wine and all that we are going to share, bless our work so that it may be the sustenance of what we will eat on this fraternal night.

Give us your joy, your peace and your happiness. Bless the brotherhood around this table in this night of light. May we know that it is You who invites us to dinner and open our hearts so that Jesus Christ may stay and live within them.

Merciful God, compassionate Father, wonderful God, illuminate this night with the star that illuminated Bethlehem and that this Christmas, love, hope, charity and abundance flourish in this home. I ask all this in the name of your Son, who is about to be born in our hearts, Amen.