Prayer to break the bonds of sin

Blessed God, once again I stand before You with a heart full of repentance, ready to receive your blessing. I declare that only You are the creator of the universe and that in your immense love you gave us salvation through Jesus Christ, Your son, in order to have eternal life.

Beloved Father, today I come to You as part of your flock asking you to keep all impure thoughts away from me. You know of the constant struggle that your children have against the temptation of the evil one. Therefore, beloved Father, I implore you to break those ties that the world imposes on me.

I am faithful to your word, my God. However, the temptation is strong and my flesh remains flesh and therefore weak. And the world, with its wickedness still calls me. I don’t want to go back to him, Loving Father. Therefore, by the power of your name, I pray to dissolve all ties with my carnal past.

To return to the world of sin is to return to the ways of perdition. It is moving away from You and Your Most Holy Presence. For this reason, Blessed God, I raise my prayers so that they may be heard by You and help me to free myself from the hands of the evil one who is tempting me at every moment.

Break all ties, Beloved Father. Because the enemy is defeated and has no power over my soul that has accepted Your power. Break all bonds of the world and remove all worldly thoughts because in your ways I have found happiness.

So I also pray for my brothers and sisters who live in the world and are unaware of your love and salvation. Father, may your light illuminate them on the path of good. Because only before You can they be saved. It also breaks its ties.

Because I recognize, Father, that sinful thoughts still assail me. Still the world whispers in my ear to lose the guide to your salvation. That is why, Divine God, I come before You to put an end to all ties and keep the hand of the enemy away from me.

Heavenly Father, my heart is full of gratitude because I know of your works and your mercy. I know you act with truth and justice. That’s why I give you the reins of my life and separate the evil from the good inside me and you can use me as a tool to bring others Your truth.

Praise you, Greatest in Heaven, Praise you, Greatest on Earth. The mountains tremble before your magnificence, Beloved God. Because You have come to free us from the clutches of slavery in which he who dwells in darkness has plunged us. Blessed are you always, Heavenly Father.

God on high, You who see everything and know everything, act on me and deliver me from all evil, from all temptation that comes before Your children. Because without You we are nothing and with you all the strength of your word drives us for good. Therefore, God, break every tie in me that I want to be saved.

There is no more rewarding moment than the one you give us, Beloved Father. So my prayers are all for you. You who listen to us and serve us with all your infinite love. Guiding us towards that path where You reign for all eternity.

Blessed are you always, my God. I know that my words will be heeded and that Your work will be a reality for me. Because I am also part of your flock. Blessed are you, Beloved Creator. I thank you for so much love and for this opportunity that you always give me. Blessed are you, beloved Father, forever and ever. Amen.