Prayer to forget and forgive

My God, what happiness fills me when I prepare to be in your presence. I really like being able to talk with you and feel that you hear everything I say and that it is so important to you. I am glad to know that You are my Father and can do so many things for me.

Blessed Lord, life is good and is full of people who do us good, who wants the best for us, like our family and friends, who are always concerned that we do well and watch over our safety.

But there are also, my Father, people who do not always follow the path of goodness and who can harm us. Their offenses are so many, Lord, that sometimes we feel hurt and think that we will never forget everything they did to us.

My God, the suffering that is suffered when the offense comes into our lives is strong. I, Lord, have lived with the damage that others have caused me. Blessed Father, bad things have happened to me that others have done to harm me, that has caused me to experience a lot of pain.

I want to forgive, Father of goodness, I want to be better every day and get rid of all burdens. I want to forget the offenses that have been able to harm me before and be a weight in my life only. I ask you, my God, to help me forgive. I ask you to help me forget.

Like me, Father of love, there are so many of my brothers and sisters in the world who need to free themselves from the heavy yoke of resentment. May there be no room for resentment in their lives, You, Lord, know that only those who forgive and forget and always carry love for others within are happy.

I know, my God, that I have also caused many offenses to my neighbor. Just as I ask you to help me forgive and forget the bad times that others have put me through, I also ask that the other people who have been harmed by my mistakes can forgive me and understand that it was never my intention to offend them like that. Free them from so many burdens, beautiful God.

I thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. Such an abundance of gifts, my God, can only be due to Your immense love. You will have my eternal gratitude, Father, for everything you give me to live a good life.

And my praises are only for You, Lord. My mouth always glorifies You, always speaking of Your immense power and Your magnificent goodness. Lord, praise you for being such a loving and dedicated Father to your sons and daughters.

Give me the ability to forgive whoever may offend me, I don’t want to give resentment a place in my heart. Allow me to always be a being of understanding, a simple person who is not offended by the mistakes of my neighbor, but who can teach those who need it to act better.

Blessed Father, I thank you for the opportunity to pray to you in this way, so simple and transparent. You give me the confidence to speak honestly to you. I can hide nothing from you, Lord, You who know everything know my heart and my deepest desires.

In the name of Jesus, I ask you to hear my prayers. Blessed are you, my God. You will know, according to Your holy will, when will be the precise moment in which You will work in my life. So be it, good Father. Amen.