prayer to forgive

Mercy is the image of God, and we as his children are called to be like him. However, sometimes it is difficult for us to forgive, especially when we have been deeply hurt, especially by our loved ones! However, Jesus Christ was able to forgive, even when he was deeply hurt, tortured and even killed by those he loved. The above is due to forgiveness is divineand it is a grace that we can receive if we ask for it.

It is important to make an act of contrition, and pray to ask God for forgiveness. In addition to this, it is important ask for reconciliation and the strength to forgive. St. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, reminds us of the importance of preventing conflicts from lasting too long.

If you get angry, do not allow yourself to be dragged into sin or allow the night to catch you angry.” (Ephesians 4:26)

Prayer to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness

Father, I plead guilty, I ask for mercy, forgiveness for my sins.

I approach you with absolute confidence, because I know that you prefer penance to the death of the sinner. (Ezekiel 33:11)

You do not like revenge or resentment, your heart is compassionate and merciful, and I know that you are only waiting for me to have the humility to recognize my sin, repent and ask for forgiveness, to overflow the abundance of your mercy.

“When we confess our sins, God, faithful and just, forgives us.” (1 John 1:9).

I look at the horizon: I see your open arms and a Father’s heart wanting to attract me with bonds of infinite love.

Father, forgive me, I want to receive the eternal hug.

your teaching is very clear: to be forgiven and to be able to enter the kingdom of heaven we must have a heart like yours.

“Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:36).

“He who hates his brother is a murderer.” (1 John 3:15).

“With the measure you measure, it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:2).

“If you do not forgive, neither will the Father forgive you.” (Mark 11:23).

You ask us to be good Christians by practicing evangelical charity.

May we be kind to those who have hurt us, to those who have offended us, have betrayed us and hate us, because otherwise we will not deserve you to be kind to us.

The servant whose debt was forgiven, when he did not want to do the same with another who owed him, was imprisoned.

He lost the forgiveness he had obtained by not being able to forgive. (Matthew 18:23-25).

Father, send your Spirit of love and forgive my sins, purify me, heal me, restore me, renew me with the redeeming blood of your Son; help me to have a heart like yours, a humble and generous heart capable of forgiving, tear from me the heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. Amen

Prayer of Saint Faustina to have a merciful heart

“O Lord, I wish to transform myself completely into your mercy and be a living reflection of you. May this supreme attribute of God, that is, his unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart to my neighbor.

Help me, O Lord, so that my eyes are merciful, so that I never suspect or judge according to appearances, but seek the beauty in the soul of my neighbor and come to help him.

Help me, O Lord, that my ears be merciful so that I take into account the needs of my neighbor and not be indifferent to their sorrows and moans.

Help me, O Lord, that my tongue be merciful so that I never criticize my neighbor, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all.

Help me, O Lord, that my hands be merciful and full of good deeds so that I know how to do only good for my neighbor and burden myself with the most difficult and painful tasks.

Help me, O Lord, that my feet may be merciful so that I always hasten to help my neighbor, mastering my own fatigue and weariness. (…)

Help me, O Lord, so that my heart may be merciful so that I feel all the sufferings of my neighbor (…)

May your mercy, oh my Lord, rest within me.

Oh, merciful God who does not despise us, but continually fills us with your graces, makes us worthy of your kingdom and in your goodness fills with men the places abandoned by ungrateful angels. Oh God of great mercy that you have turned your holy sight from the rebellious angels directing it to the repentant man, be honor and glory to your infinite mercy.

Oh Jesus, I want to live in the present moment, to live as if this day were the last of my life: to take advantage of every moment with zeal for the greater glory of God, to enjoy every circumstance in such a way that the soul takes advantage of it. Look at everything from the point of view that, without the will of God, nothing happens. O God of infinite mercy, embrace the whole world and pour yourself out on us through the merciful Heart of Jesus.

Oh God of great mercy, infinite goodness, today all humanity asks, from the abyss of its misery, your mercy, your compassion, oh God; and he calls with the mighty voice of misery. Forgiving God, do not reject the prayer of those exiled from this land. O Lord, inconceivable goodness that you know perfectly our misery and you know that by our own strength we cannot ascend to you, we implore you, anticipate your grace and multiply your mercy incessantly in us so that we faithfully fulfill your holy will throughout our lives now. the hour of death. May the omnipotence of your mercy protect us from the arrows of the enemies of our salvation, so that, with confidence, as your children, we await your last coming. Amen”

Walk towards reconciliation with !

Faced with a conflict, a dispute that has left an open wound and grudges that cause pain, join this novena of healing with Saint John of the Cross, which will allow you to heal that wound and know the peace of the Lord that exceeds limits. of understanding.

Do not allow fights and resentments to be part of your family, so make the decision to advance on the path of forgiveness and reconciliation with this novena to Saint Laura Montoya, in which you will be able to reflect on how to sow and promote peace and reconciliation through our actions and the sincerity of our hearts.

Finally, join this novena for families, and ask Saint Anne and Saint Joachim to intercede before the Lord to obtain the grace of forgiveness and find peace in your partner. The grandparents of the Savior guide us to Jesus in all stages of family life: youth, single life, celibacy, marriage, infertility, widowhood, etc. You can also present your prayer intention here, so that other brothers pray to the Lord for your cause. Remember that with , you have many options for prayer and spiritual growth, so that you are not alone in the midst of your difficulties.