Prayer to give thanks to God

We often pray to ask the Lord to help us, but do we really take the time to thank you? Thanksgiving allows us to show our thanks and gratitude to God, for your love and blessings in our lives. Furthermore, thanksgiving is an essential element of the spiritual life. That’s why we invite you to thank the Lord for his gracesfor the gift of life and the sacraments that allow us to get closer to Him, through the following prayer of Saint Faustina.

Triduum to Santa Cecilia (with texts on Sacred Music)

147 members

Prayers of thanks to Saint Faustina.

“O Jesus, eternal God, I thank you for your innumerable graces and blessings. May each beat of my heart be a new hymn of thanks to you, oh God. May every drop of my blood circulate for you, Lord. My soul is a whole hymn of adoration to your mercy. I love you, God, for yourself.”

(Diary, 1974)

“Oh my soul, adore the Lord for everything and glorify his mercy, because his goodness has no limits.

Everything will pass, but his mercy has no limits or end; Although wickedness fills its measure, in mercy there is no measure.

O my Creator and Father of great Mercy, I trust in you, because you are goodness itself. oh souls, Do not be afraid of God, but trust in him, because he is good and his mercy endures forever.”

(Diary of Santa Faustina, 1794).

“Oh Lord, my love, I thank you for today, for having allowed me to collect the treasure of your graces from the source of your unfathomable mercy. Oh Jesus, not only today, but at every moment I draw from your unfathomable mercy everything that the soul and the body could desire.

(Diary of Saint Faustina, 1178)

Other prayers of thanks

We can also take time to thank the Lord every night before going to bed, thanking him for all the moments lived and shared, for the people we meet in the course of our day. Many of the prayers at night are also prayers of thanks to God, or to our guardian angels.

In our prayers, sometimes we also turn to the Virgin Mary or to the saints (Santa Rita, San José, San Antonio de Padua, San Expedito…) whom we ask to intercede for us. Let us take time to thank them for the graces that reach us!

Praise and thank the Lord for all his blessings with !

Be joyful always, and see how the Lord answers the prayers of those who surrender to Him!

Through reflection, prayer, and laughter, let us show our attitude of joy and gratitude to our Heavenly Father: