Prayer to grow in service and humility

Beloved God of love, everything you give us is beautiful and sublime. Holy Father, I am about to be in Your holy presence with the joy of talking with my Creator. Lord, I prostrate before You with humility and much affection so that you can hear my words calmly.

My Lord, there is so much need in this world. My brothers and sisters, Your creation, my God, all beings on this planet need help at some point to overcome adversity. I have even needed a helping hand to help me stand up.

We fall so many times, beloved Father. I have always had the blessing of yours to find someone who supports me to recover my strength and continue with my life. But I also know that there are so many others who really need the help.

Because problems sometimes leave us wounds that take a long time to heal. And the suffering is very long, it seems endless, and the worries seem to multiply until we no longer know what to do. All the trouble that your sons and daughters go through in this world makes them need someone or something to help them.

I ask you, my beloved Lord, to give me the spirit of service to go to the aid of the most needy. Give me that humility that is needed to help everyone no matter who they are, give me the selfless spirit to share what I have with someone who may really need it more than me.

Almighty, there is pain in this world, I know that this society is sometimes very cruel to the most vulnerable and almost no one wants to help the other with their problems, but I ask you, my Lord, to make me a different person. I always want to have the disposition to save those who are in danger.

My God, I want to have the energy to help someone who is going through different difficulties. Allow, beloved Lord, that humanity may live under the beautiful light of your love and everyone may have thoughts of kindness and solidarity.

Most High, I ask your forgiveness for all my sins. I realize that many have offended my neighbor and have harmed many without wanting to. My God, forgive my faults and cleanse my spirit with your love.

I will always give you thanks, Father of love, for all the blessings you have given me over the years. My Lord, the grace of your word has guided me along paths of peace and calm. I will always be in gratitude to You, my Father.

May help, Holy Father, be a frequent coda among us, your children. Give us that spirit of solidarity to shake hands with each other. Bless the world, this society, with a beautiful desire to support others.

My gratitude, my God, to You, too, for the space you give me to pray. This conversation with you has always made me feel very good and to this day it gives me the calm I need to act calmly and intelligently.

I ask you to hear my plea in the name of your son Jesus, our savior who gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins. Praise be to you, Lord. Amen.