Prayer to increase my tolerance

Almighty, I rejoice in your love, in your patience and in the immense kindness with which you receive your sons and daughters. I, Father, am about to present myself before You with a calm spirit and ready to fulfill your will.

How much I want to be with you, my Lord. It fills me with joy to feel close to You, when I am going for the visa and I remember that you do not abandon me, I feel safe and I can achieve my goals without fear that prevents me.

Father, the love you have for your creation is impossible to describe, it is infinite. As quickly as one sometimes commits a sin, You have already forgiven him. Because that’s how you are, my Lord, an immense spirit of goodness and mercy.

I ask you, Lord, to bless me with the kindness and mercy that makes You so great.. Allow, my God, that my tolerance may grow, to learn to live with all those who live their lives by my side many times without me agreeing with their way of seeing things and the decisions they make.

In solitude, my God, I have thought a lot and I have realized that I need to have more understanding within myself, because we are not all the same and it is also important to understand and accept it. Everyone has their way of living their life and it’s fine.

So it must be me, Lord, who has more patience with the rest and must learn to live with those differences. Because I know that I also have my differences with the rest of the people and suddenly the others will think that I do not live according to their way and they will believe that I am doing something wrong.

But, Lord, if there are so many of your sons and daughters in this world, You who always know why you do things, will understand that it can be very difficult to tolerate us and try to get along without considering the different points of view that can sometimes arise.

That is why I ask you, Lord, to cover me with your patience and do not allow anger or resentment to have a place inside me. I want to be a person capable of understanding everyone and respect the beliefs, customs and actions of others as long as they do not harm me, Father.

Because it is also important to correct those who are wrong, just as you do with all your children. I believe that advice will always be good because it gives you the opportunity to think better and act in a good way. That’s why, my God, I think it will also be good to help those who make mistakes.

I thank You for this space, my God, where I can be honest and not hide anything out of shame or fear, because You know me and understand everything I want. You can see my interior, Father, you know my thoughts and my desires.

Be my guide, then, in this world that is sometimes so complicated. Help me to be a better person, to have a clean and kind soul. I thank you for the blessings in my life, Lord, because I have known happiness thanks to You.

In the name of our beloved Lord Jesus, who is the only intermediary between us and your holy grace, I ask you to listen carefully and affectionately to my words, which are so important to me. I long for You, Lord, I trust You and I will praise You all my life. Amen.