Prayer To Jesus, To Ask For Protection And Health For Children And Children

The children are a gift an incredible blessing from God. Every day we can find ourselves doing so much for our children, loving and caring for them, nurturing, teaching, training, helping, guiding, equipping, encouraging, protecting, and much more.

We spend precious hours living life, helping with chores and driving them to activities. We spend money on sports, lessons, and various classes to help them grow and become all they can be, giving them opportunities to do what they love most in this world.

But in the midst of busy and full lives, we have to ask ourselves: Are we praying? I mean really praying specific, powerful, promise-filled prayers, inspired by hope. Are we praying the mighty Word of God and his promises over his life? I am aware of this and feel challenged to pray more.

There is a battle over our families today, and the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy everything what we appreciate in this life. He is ruthless and cunning, deceitful and cunning. He will attack when we are not looking, he will do everything he can to lure our children his way. Don’t let him win.

Prayer is essential about our children and families, to keep us alert, aware and discerning the voice of God, as well as to oppose the attacks of the enemy in our lives. We should never underestimate the importance of saying the blessing and the truth about their lives. prayer is powerful and his words are true.

Index of contents

  • Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the children
  • Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the protection of our children
  • Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the salvation of the children
  • Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the health and healing of the children
  • Prayer to God, for wisdom and learning of a son
  • Prayer to Jesus, for the obedience of children
  • Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the rebellious youth
  • Prayer to Jesus, to pray for angry or depressed children
  • Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the restoration of the health of a child
  • Parents’ prayer for their children
  • Prayer to Jesus of a mother for her children
  • Videos about prayer to Jesus, to bless the children

Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the children

Dear God, we praise you for your love and faithfulness. We thank you for your protection and care over our families. Thank you for giving us the power to love well; the wisdom to guide and teach our children. We know that you are with us, that you fight for our families today.

You are Redeemer, Restorer and Friend, we believe you have something good in reserve. We confess that, some days, parenthood is difficult. Many days we can feel anxious or overwhelmed. We ask you to make us more like you, more aware of your constant presence in our lives.

Help us to free our children for You, so that You are free to fully fulfill everything You desire, in them, through them. Please fill our families with your truth and cover us with your favor. Lord, we pray for these blessings on our children, today and every day…Amen.

Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the protection of our children

Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your love and faithfulness in all things. We thank you for your protection and care over our families. Thanks to You for giving us wisdom and justice to raise our children. We confess that some days, parenting is very difficult.

Many days we can feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. We ask you to make us more like you, more aware of your constant presence in our lives. Help us to free our children for You, so that You are free to fully fulfill all that You desire within the hearts of our children. Please fill our daily lives with Your truth, and cover us with Your favor in all things. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the salvation of the children

Father, I pray that my children learn and understand Your holy scriptures, which are capable of making them wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. I pray that Your word will fill their minds and their hearts. May they come to know that You are the way, the truth and the light. Amen

Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the health and healing of the children

Lord, according to Your Word, Jesus took stripes on His body so that we could be healed. He carried our weaknesses, our falls, and he carried our illnesses to save us and give us life.

Therefore, I ask you to heal my son. I believe that they can and will be healed thanks to your miraculous power.

Please comfort them, watch over them and give me the strength to do what is best for them in their time of need. Amen.

Prayer to God, for wisdom and learning of a son

I come to you Father, and I pray that my children will be knowledgeable and skilled in all the wisdom, discernment, and understanding that I know is a gift from You. I pray that they will be competent to learn what they need to know, and that Your Spirit will fill them completely in all things.

Lord, I know that you can and that you will give them the ability to understand and savor when they are young and when they grow up. Their foundation starts with you, and I appreciate it. In your name I pray these things, Amen.

Prayer to Jesus, for the obedience of children

My merciful Lord, I pray that my children conform to Your will in all purpose, thought, and action at all times.

When faced with decisions, may they raise their eyes to You for guidance. Life is full of uncertainty, but if they look to you in all things, I have deep faith in knowing that you will guide them.

I pray that they follow Your plan for them, and always practice what is pleasing to You.

May Your everlasting love fill their hearts and minds before they speak, plan or move forward in making decisions. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus, to pray for the rebellious youth

Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the beginning of time. You understand the anguish and helplessness of a father over the actions of his son.

Please help us turn our anger and frustration into loving care for our son who has strayed. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts.

Bless our son and help him also to repair the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do what is right in Your name and restore peace and tranquility to us. Amen

Prayer to Jesus, to pray for angry or depressed children

Heavenly Father, my son is your greatest gift, and my greatest challenge! I know my son is really distraught, and yet I am about to find a peaceful solution.

I feel helpless and frustrated. I wonder, what would my Heavenly Father do in his infinite wisdom and beneficence? Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me!

Help my son heal his pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a father as you are to us your children. Thank you Lord, for listening to me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my son today. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus, to ask for the restoration of the health of a child

O Lord God, I come to You for help and relief. You have afflicted my son. Help me understand that you mean well. Give me the grace to bear my son’s affliction with patience and strength.

Bless me, O Father, and restore my son’s health. Do not abandon us, but give us the security of Your loving Kingdom.

Bless this illness for me and my son, and help us both to be better children of yours thanks to it. In the name of your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Parents’ prayer for their children

O God the Father of men, who have given me these children of mine and have entrusted them to my care so that I may raise them for You and prepare them for eternal life; help me with your heavenly grace, so that I can fulfill this duty and this most sacred stewardship.

Teach me what I have to give and what I don’t have to give; when to rebuke and when to stop enduring; make him kind, but firm, considerate and watchful; and deliver me equally from the weakness of indulgence and excess of severity; and grant me that, both by word and example, I may take care to lead them in the ways of wisdom and true piety, so that at last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true heavenly home in heaven, in the company of the blessed angels and saints.” Amen.

Prayer to Jesus of a mother for her children

Oh Heavenly Father, I entrust my children to Your care. Be their God and Father; and mercifully provide everything I lack due to fragility or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, whether from within or without; and free them from the secret traps of the enemy.

Pour out Your grace in their hearts, and strengthen and multiply in them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit, so that they may grow daily in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, serving you faithfully here, they may come to rejoice in your presence hereafter. Amen.

Videos about prayer to Jesus, to bless the children