Prayer to keep calm

Blessed father, I am grateful for all your love and for each of the gifts you have for me. Thank you loving Father for being my constant guide, my protector, my refuge and my support; Thank you for being the example of my life and for always being there for me, listening to everything I come to tell you.

I am very grateful, beloved Lord, for the life you have given me, for every opportunity to be a better person, for every challenge that helps me to be a patient and upright person, thank you my Lord, because you help me improve day after day.

Thank you my Lord, because despite the different circumstances of anguish and heartbreak that happen in my life, You strengthen me in spirit, blessed God, you help me learn from my mistakes and you show me your complete love by helping me go through the different situations that life presents me.

On this occasion, heavenly Father, I want to ask for your help and your grace to be able to become a just man, a good man, a guide for the rest of my brothers who are looking for your path, I ask you, merciful Lord, to be generous. with me and give me your support, well I am going through difficult times, Lord, and You are the only one who can help me stay calm.

My mind is cloudy, my God, and my judgment is not clear, I am invaded by feelings of anguish, frustration and despair and I do not feel able to choose the right things. I do not see clear exits or solutions, which causes me discomfort and despair, my God, but I trust in You and I know that in the worst moments, it is You who sustains me.

I ask you in my fervent prayer, Holy Father, that you grant me your peace, fill me with your love and give me the opportunity to be able to keep calm in the midst of so much tribulation, do not let me faint in the midst of my trials, make me a strong man Lord, give me your hand and hold me in these times of pain.

I know that everything happens Lord, that both the good and the bad are not eternal, only you are Father, that’s why I always approach You, that’s why I seek your support and your strength. I do not ask you to take these hard tests away from me, because I know that they forge my spirit, but I ask you, my Lord, to grant me your calm, that my mind can remain clear, and that the pain does not make me doubt your presence in my life. .

Help me Lord, help me to be consistent with my actions and my words, that now that I find myself in the midst of so much difficulty I can be even stronger, that my faith be strengthened, that my soul and my heart seek you Father, as if you were a source of fresh water in the middle of all this desert.

I know that sometimes I do not understand the reason for my tears, I know that my anguish sometimes finds no objections, I know, My incomparable Lord, that fear invades me and that pain clouds my vision, because lately I have not found a way out of so much despair, so much pain. Do not let that make me forget You, my Lord, my only God, my good and eternal Father.

Blessed Lord, in the midst of my tribulations, many times I am not able to see the way out and I feel fear, I am overwhelmed by a feeling of sorrow and pain that only You my Lord can dissipate, there is no one in this world Father, who can give me the peace that your love gives me, that can give me back the calm that only your light can give me.

That’s why, my beautiful God, I cry out for your power, Lord, because I need you. and from your constant love, I need Father, that you spill your blessed Blood on me, so that my whole being is full of hope and love, because only then will I be able to see the way out of so much difficulty.

You have always given me the best of You, beloved Father, you always allow in my life what is best and you take away what hurts me, I know that so much pain will come to an end, I know that if I wait patiently in your love, I will be able to see the exit light, and in the meantime, Father, help me to be patient, help me lord to stay calmI know that it is the best and I am always before You, waiting for your will in my life, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, your Son, Amen.