Prayer to live the day with a lot of encouragement

Blessed and praised are you, my God of goodness, I am very excited to live this new and wonderful day that you give me, because I trust in You and because I am fully sure that you will be by my side accompanying me, holding my hand and protecting me so that everything goes well for me.

Dear Lord, on this day I present myself before You to especially ask You to give me strength and a lot of encouragement to be able to face the various situations that await me today and that have me somewhat worried, my God; but despite this, I am convinced that with your help and your kindness I will be able to get ahead my Lord, because you are great and powerful.

I long with all my heart to be able to live this day with great encouragement, with a constant disposition not to allow the adverse circumstances that we all have in life to end up affecting me and making me plunge into depression. I want to move on, my Lord, that is why today I put myself in your presence determined to fight for my happiness.

Heavenly Father, I ask you as my good and merciful father that you are, that today you do not allow my strength to weaken, do not let anguish make me faint, give me a lot of encouragement to be able to get out of any adverse circumstance that comes my way, I have faith that you will not leave me alone my Lord.

My God, make me live this day with optimism, with joy and tranquility, pour out your blessings on me and mine, so that we can be happy and also give happiness, because You want us to be happy and that nothing bad happens to us.

On this day I want to put my life and that of my family in your hands my God, guide us throughout the day and deliver us from all evil, cover us with your protective mantle during the day and night, because you are our Savior, the one who gives us his love and is with us, even in the worst moments. Thank my God.

How great is your mercy, King of Kings, that allows me to smile today despite the battles I fight and that You know well. How great is your power, Lord of Lords, because You allow me to stay by your side, even when the storm is intense and temptation moves me to move away from You.

I ask you, my God, with all my strength, that on this day you do not allow me to separate from You. You know my thoughts, you know my life and you know how much I love you, that is why I ask you to hold on to your heart and help me live every second of this day as the best moment of my life, because with you aside, I am not afraid, Lord.

Almighty God, I cry out to your presence and I ask you to be by my side in every step of today, strengthens my spirit and revitalizes my spirits, so that I can face life with the best attitude and may it be so, blessed Lord, a testimony of your goodness.

I ask you Lord on this day, give me a lot of encouragement so that I can carry out all my activities in the best way, without doubts or anxieties, help me make good decisions and continue on the right path with joy and tranquility.

Get rid of pessimism, negative thoughts, those discouraging memories and put in their place, the joy of knowing I am your son, because You never let me go, even if the day turns gray and storms fall.

Help me to see life positively, to act and work with encouragement, with joy and enthusiasm, to be optimistic and think that everything will be fine by your will, my God. Help me to be a better person and not forget to always give thanks because I am alive, because there are many reasons to be happy. I ask this in the name of your beloved Son Jesus, Amen.