Prayer to love yourself

Dear Father full of love and kindness, a new day rises in my life and I thank you for it. You know my heart, Lord, you know the love that is in me for You, Almighty God, for my loved ones, and even the love that is for myself. You know my wounds and my difficulties, that is why today I prostrate myself before your Holy presence.

Let me find a refuge in your heart, Lord, let me find in You the reason for my life and my love. You made me in your image and likeness, that is why I am a unique and special human being, but you know that I do not always feel that way, that sometimes my self-love seems to vanish and I feel alone, empty and worthless, forgetting myself. that I am important because I come from You.

I want to ask you on this day, my precious God, to help me love myself as I am, with my way of being, thinking and acting, that you help me to love my physique, my face, my body and every part of me, because although I know that in the eyes of the world I cannot be perfect, I know that for you I am because You have created me with much love.

Help me to value my body, which is the temple that You gave me, to love every space in me, to know and recognize that I am important, that I am special, that although there are many people around me, I am still a unique person, because there is no one like me. Help me to understand, blessed Lord, that if You love me for who I am, I must love myself too.

Don’t let mean comments get me down and make me think I’m not special. Help me to turn a deaf ear to the foolish words, to the insults of those people who only want to see me hurt and with suffering on their backs. Please, my God, help me to be strong with my own love, because if I learn to love my body, my mind, my soul and my heart, I will be able to value it, respect it and above all, defend it.

Don’t let me sink into my own thoughts, Lord, into negative thoughts of self-hatred, because that’s not from You. Help me to value myself, to love myself as I am, because that way I will be able to love others, I will be able to love my neighbor and impose the respect that my life really deserves.

Holy Father in heaven, help me to grow in love for myself, that I may never again think that I am not worth it, that I am little or that there are much better people than me. Help me to be happy with the person I am, that I can be strong and independent, that I can fully accept and love myself in the same way that You do.

That the opinions of others do not affect me, my God, because I must know that it only matters what You think of me, because you are the one who judges me, but also the one who shows me the path I must follow, the one who guides my steps and is with me constantly. Take my heart, Lord, and fill it with forgiveness, forgiveness with myself, because many times I saw myself limiting myself for not knowing how to love.

Clear my mind of those recriminating thoughts, of those thoughts full of hate, shame and humiliation towards myself. Do not allow my mind to fall back into that hole of thoughts that do not fill me, but rather, make me feel bad.

My Lord, blessed, that these changes in my thoughts, in my feelings and in my way of feeling my self-esteem, can influence my way of loving my neighbor, in my way of respecting him and giving him the place he deserves with the human dignity with which You have endowed us.

My precious God, how beautiful it is to feel that You work in my life, that You put your love in my heart and that now I can be a new person, full of love for myself, for my neighbor and for all the creatures of your Creation. wonderful. Thank you for giving me that joy, my God and thank you because you give me a new opportunity to be happy with myself.

I stay with you, my Lord, because I know you listen to me, because I know you are with me guiding my steps and teaching me to love myself. Thank you because you are good, because your mercy is great and because day by day you give me the opportunity to get ahead being who I am. All this I ask and I thank you, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.