Prayer to protect my business

Lord of mercy, You who are present at all times of my life, You who know my sorrows, my joys, You who are the King of Kings. Today I kneel before You, to give you thanks, infinite thanks for all the love and blessings you shower on me.

I want to call out your name and tell heaven how grateful I am for your infinite goodness, because you provide me with everything that is necessary to live every day, you have allowed me to have a roof over your head, you have allowed me to have food on my table, clothes on my body and because above all, you allow me to have a business, with which, I can support my family and give them what they need.

Thank you My Lord, because when I prayed to You, asking for the fortune of having a business with which to pay for my expenses and needs, you did not deny me Lord, you heard my daily prayers, you saw my tears, and you saw my heart.

You granted me what my heart longed for, and today I can only thank you for that my Lord, and I don’t have enough words to tell you how happy I am, and how this blessing brought comfort and happiness to my life and my family.

My business is the main source of income in my home Blessed Father, with it I have allowed myself to pay debts, pay expenses, educate my children, and support the daily household, as well as countless moments of fun with my family.

In this humble prayer my Lord, I ask you to protect my business, because You know the situation of this society today Father, you know how difficult it is to keep a business, and that it be prosperous.

I ask you my Lord, keep away those people who only seek to do evilthat envy and false friendships be removed from my business, those who approach me only for a monetary and material interest.

Beautiful Father, that my business does not fall prey to crime, of the extortionists, of those people who only dedicate themselves to stealing and harming others, do not allow them to fulfill their mission Blessed Lord.

Protect this business my Lord, that it is the sustenance of my home, that evil does not penetrate into it and that it always stays safe from my enemies, because they only want the failure and misfortune of my home and my livelihood.

In this prayer, Father, I want to ask you for me too, because money changes people, Father, and I don’t want that to happen to me. Do not allow, Lord, that with the passage of time I become a greedy man.

Help me to always see clearly the panorama that is presented to methat I can be a fair and honest man, that my work be my greatest pride and that I never forget my main objective, which is my family and its progress.

If it is your will Holy Father, may prosperity accompany my business and may evil always be kept away from it, may we not lack good spirits and above all the desire to get ahead, we ask you my Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.