Prayer to reflect on my mistakes

My God, I bow before You with the humility of a heart that acknowledges You as its loving Father. I want to prepare myself with the confidence to speak to a God of infinite understanding who will know how to listen to me with patience and affection.

I have realized, Father, that I have not been so patient and that when I make a mistake, it is very difficult for me to recognize my errors and ask forgiveness for those whom I have offended. I know, my good God, that this is something that I must improve in my life to be happier.

Eternal Father, it’s hard for me to notice my flaws and think of a way to do things better. God of peace, I sometimes forget that the best way to go through life is to take time in my life to think about the consequences of my actions.

Many problems have happened in this time because I have not been able to take the time to think things through, Lord. Sometimes I have been damaged by the comments of others and sometimes I have done the same.

My beloved Lord, I want to ask you to give me the wisdom to think very well about my actions and recognize if there has been something wrong with them. May my mind, my God, be focused on reflecting on my mistakes and may it be an opportunity to learn from them.

And for my neighbor, Most High, I also want to ask you. My brothers and sisters in the world who are impetuous many times and can make mistakes without realizing the evil they are doing. Almighty Lord, You who can achieve anything, give them advice and bless them with the intelligence to know that they must act differently when they are wrong.

My sins, blessed God, You know them and you can know that my intentions were not bad. If I was wrong, Father, I ask your forgiveness with all sincerity and I place my mistakes at the feet of your mercy so that they can achieve, with your blessing of love, be erased.

I thank you, blessed Father, for the good things in my life. Eternally in gratitude, my good God, I will be with you. My mouth always has words of thanks for You, Lord. And in the hours of difficulty, there you are, Almighty.

It is a true blessing to be able to know that you are My Father and that you love me, My God. Always take care of me, Lord, keep away from me the evils that can harm me and gladden my heart with Your Presence.

Therefore, my God, give me the ability to make a judgment about the things I do. I want to reflect, Holy Father, on my mistakes and be able to correct them, get a positive message from them and achieve a big change in my life.

Blessed God, You who give me the opportunity to speak to you with confidence, like a Father, allow me to continue to have this space in my life where I can meet you and entrust you with my worries and joys. God of love, I ask you for energy to continue having that will and always seek you.

In the name of Your Beloved Jesus, Our Savior, I ask You to hear my plea. He, our Divine Master, who taught us to be more human and always seek the answer in love and benevolence. In his name, My Father, I implore you. Eternal blessing to you, Most Holy. Amen.