Prayer to Saint Christopher

Very often, it is represented San Cristobalthe patron saint of travelers, carrying a child on his shoulder. The legend says that she helped a boy to cross a river and that this boy was so heavy that Saint Christopher almost drowned. When he managed to reach the other shore, the boy revealed to him that he was Jesus, burdened by the weight of the world. For this reason, many travelers and drivers say prayers before leaving for Cristobal (the Christ bearer).

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Prayer of drivers and travelers

“Blessed Saint Christopher, you who had the grace to carry Jesus on your shoulders, how strong and powerful you felt, and the Lord made you see your smallness and your life was filled with light, when you discovered how his strength and not the Yours, I made you this time yes, truly strong. Glorious Saint Christopher ask your beloved Jesus to free us from all evil.

Lord, give me a firm hand and a watchful eye so that I do not cause harm to anyone in my path.

To you Lord who gives life and preserves it, I humbly beg, keep mine today at all times.

Deliver Lord, those who accompany me, from all evil: shock, illness, fire or accident. Teach me to also make use of my car, to remedy the needs of others.

Finally, Lord, that the vertigo of speed does not drag me, and that, admiring the beauty of this world, I can continue and finish my path with all happiness.

I ask you, Lord, for the merits and intercession of Saint Christopher, our Great Patron. Amen.”

Pray to the saints with

You can pray to Saint Anthony of Padua to find an object or love, to Saint Joseph the worker for our work problems, to Saint Expeditus in situations of examination or conflict, to Saint Rita in desperate situations… In fact, the saints are powerful intercessors that lead our prayers to the Lord and guide our lives towards the will of the Lord.

Find in many prayer communities to different saints, for example: