Prayer to sleep well and fall asleep

Merciful Lord, I turn to You, with great faith, because You are the King of kings my God, because only You can make dreams, desires and desires come true, to the extent that they are fair, I know that you are always ready for my prayers and for what I need so much.

In this humble prayer, I ask for nothing more than a quiet night, the possibility of falling asleep and a good rest for my tired body. That you can grant me Father, a restorative night, May I be able to sleep and recover the energies lost this day.

I’m having a hard time getting a good rest lately, I feel tired, my body doesn’t respond normally and my daily activities are affected by my lack of sleep, I wish that in your infinite goodness, you would allow me to sleep as soon as possible tonight .

Today has been a long day my Lord, I have woken up very early and I have fulfilled my daily obligations, I have taken care of my family and I have been a good man, always trying to please you Blessed God.

I ask that tonight Beautiful Lord, you can give me the joy of falling asleep as soon as I go to bed, because my body needs rest, so that tomorrow I can attend to each of my obligations and be of value to my environment.

Take away from my mind all kinds of worries Merciful Lordclear my doubts and help me detach myself from the problems of everyday life so that I can sleep in peace tonight, that your sacred mantle covers me and that I can shelter myself in your arms, my Beloved God.

Beloved God, You who can do everything, I beg you so that tonight you can protect my home, you can be the one who defends us from all evil, from all danger that lurks in my house, do not allow anything to harm my family Lord.

Give me your light to guide my dreams, and keep away from me and my family all kinds of nightmares, all kinds of evil that haunts my house, bless my dreams so that they are pleasant and restful, so that my soul and mind reach a peaceful sleep.

Just by naming you My God, I know I’m safe, because I know that you hear my prayers, I know that you are never indifferent to my needs and prayers, I know that you are a Loving Father who cares about his children, and that is why I commend myself to You tonight, so that I may be blessed and heard .

My Almighty God, now that night has come, the dangers loom too, I beg you and I beg you for those people who are in the streets and at the mercy of evil, wrap them with your sacred mantle, merciful Father, so that tonight they may be safe.

Allow them to be strong and courageously face these hard tests that they are going through, that the cold of the streets does not freeze their hearts, and that tonight they can have a peaceful sleep despite the circumstances that surround them.

Do not allow anyone to separate from You my Lord, because only You have the key to happiness, You are the only way to eternal life, You are the only way to happiness, and I do not want to be far from You for a moment and much less in these coming nights, I want to always be under your protection and be worthy of it, that you can guide me during the day and also at night, that you guide my dreams so that these are good, stay by my side Blessed God, and take care of me and mine, give us your peace tonight, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.