Prayer to surrender at the feet of the Lord

My God of infinite love, I am about to be in Your presence once again. I want to speak to you from the depth of my heart, to know that you hear me, understand me and value what I tell you. Lord, I bow before You.

Beloved Father, I see myself now in the need to tell you my things, I see myself in the need to come to You to confess that sometimes this life is so complex and hard that I feel the burden of everything that I have to experience day after day.

I want, my God, to be an instrument of Your love. Give me the strength to walk on the right path, not to stop my course on the path of kindness, respect and solidarity. I give my life to you, blessed Father.

Many times I have felt unhappy for not acting in a good way, because I have realized the damage I have caused to my neighbor. I don’t want to be that kind of person anymore. Lord, I want to be better, I want to be able to walk the world with the virtue of doing good to as many people as possible.

And I can only achieve it if You allow it, Lord, if it is Your holy will that it be so. Because I can imagine many plans for myself, but You in your infinite wisdom know what is best for me. That is why I ask you to act in the way that You see fit, Almighty.

May this desire to prostrate myself eternally before You, Most High, be shared by the many sons and daughters in this world who seek an answer to their many questions. Give them the clear path so that they know how to intelligently direct themselves to the beautiful paths of love and peace.

I acknowledge my sins, Lord. I know that I have been wrong during important moments, where I had to make a sensible decision and I chose the wrong alternative. My Father, You, who know how to forgive, have mercy on me and cleanse my spirit of all my faults.

Thank you, my Lord, for the blessings given to my life. I must always recognize all the good you have given me. Life is good because You allow it, my God. My gratitude always be with you, Almighty. You love me and take care of me.

Praise be to you, my Lord. Be praised always because you have done great things for your sons and daughters in the world. Glory to Your name, my God, forever and ever. There is so much goodness in You, Father, so many good wishes for me, for my brothers and sisters in the world. Nobody like You loves the creation of him.

I implore You, Lord, to always keep me close to You. I surrender at Your feet, beloved God, I surrender my life, my virtues, my flaws, to Your enormous power. I owe everything to You, Your greatness is incomparable.

I thank you, Father of love, for this space in which I can speak with You and be transparent in my words. You know everything that is in me, my thoughts and my feelings. Allow me to continue speaking like this With You, Father, it does me so much good.

I ask you to hear my words in the name of Jesus, your Beloved Son, who is the one who brings all prayers to Your holy presence. Thank you very much for listening to me, dear God. Amen.