Dear brothers and sisters of I believe in God, sometimes in our daily lives, we are faced with people who, without having a reason, load us with envy, and even become our enemies without our having provoked it. Likewise, at other times, we even have to fight against serious problems such as diseases, which come into our lives for no reason and we tend to get anxious and even fall into depression.

That is why on this occasion, we bring you this powerful prayer to the Archangel Saint Raphael, to help us remove from our lives, all the evils, the enemies, the envy and above all the diseases that can attack us.

We invite you to pray this prayer for nine days in a row, with great faith and love from your heart, with the certainty that our prayer will be heard by the Lord.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Glorious heavenly prince Saint Raphael, eternal helper of men, send your powerful tutelary rays over us, defenseless humans, wrap us in your wings and shelter us with your loving and energetic light.

Archangel of the Lord, prodigious Saint Raphael, leader of the armies of the Almighty, emissary of the Divinity, friend of your devotees, companion of walkers, help of the afflicted, doctor of the sick, refuge of the persecuted, scourge of demons, rich treasure of the flows of God, with your wisdom and power free us from all evil.

You are the Holy Archangel, kind caretaker of ours, and one of those seven most noble spirits that surround the throne of the Most High. For this reason and confident in the great love that you have shown to men, we humbly beg you to take care of us and protect us, keep us away from the dangers of the soul and body, from the enemies that harass us, from the defamers, from the traitors, vile and envious

Keep away every person who hurts us, who harms us with their bad words, with their bad actions, with their bad eyes, keep away all bad desire, everything that can break our peace.

Archangel Saint Raphael, medicine of God, we also ask you, with all the fervor of our spirit, to grant us health in the face of illness, and help us to be victorious in the face of bodily pain and suffering, give us protection on our paths and defense against everything that causes us harm and misfortune, especially extend your heavenly hands to us to solve what afflicts and worries us so much:

(Now ask with great faith what you wish to obtain).

Don’t stop shielding us and preserving us in all the bad times, in all the adversities of life, and in all situations of danger to our hearts and lives.

Finally, we beg you to bring us closer to the throne and to the glory of God our Lord, because we know that through grace you assist us and help us, and also through it, one day we will be your eternal companions in heavenly glory.

So be it +

Now do the Creed, three Our Fathers, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.