Dear friends of I believe in God, may our Heavenly Father grant you all his mercy on this new day.

Many times our lives are filled with stress, resentments, hatred and grudges, apparently because we feel lonely, we believe that we are fighting alone against the world, we try to get ahead, but nothing seems to make sense and we feel exhausted.

It is for this reason that on this occasion we bring you this beautiful prayer to the Divine Mercy of God, so that the Almighty may accompany us, forgive all our sins, renew us and grant us that great miracle that we need in our lives.

We invite you to pray this sublime prayer, for nine days in a row, if possible at three in the afternoon, or at any time you can dedicate time to the Lord, with great faith and with much love, with the great hope that very soon your prayers and supplications will be heard by our redeemer.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Beloved Jesus of my heart, you who gave us your life and for your sacrifice you gave us salvation and eternal life, because at that moment a sea of ​​mercy, full of love and blessings, sprouted for all of us your children, we praise you and we adore you, because you Lord are our only truth and our path to follow. Thank you, beloved Father, because with your divine mercy, you covered the whole world with love and hope, and thank you for pouring out your power and mercy on all your creation.

My good Jesus, I pray to you today for all of us your children, who trust in your infinite mercy, so that by your goodness, you do not take into account our sins and look at us with compassion and mercy. Give us oh Holy Father, if it is your will, peace, love, wisdom and the joy of living under your protection and shelter forever.

Help me sweet Jesus of my life, not to judge anyone, but rather that I can find in others, the pleasant and beautiful that is in their being, help me to take into account the needs of my brothers so as not to be indifferent to them. your sorrows and sufferings, and help me not to speak ill of anyone but rather always have words of forgiveness and comfort for others.

Help me Father of mercy, to be kind as you are, to be able to do good deeds and do good, and in this way help those who need it, because my joy is in serving with love. Help me my good Lord, to overcome fears, difficulties, tiredness and daily fatigue to continue with great courage on the path of life.

Help me my beloved Jesus of Mercy, a good heart, a sincere and generous heart to love and always do your holy will, today I also want to put my life, my health, my family, my work and my finances in your hands trusting in your infinite mercy so that you guide me and govern each one of my decisions and my steps, especially, I ask you to help me obtain this miracle that I need so much in my life:

(Now ask our Lord of Mercy with great faith to help you achieve that miracle you yearn for so much).

My good Lord, I thank you from this very moment, for listening to my plea, for listening to this prayer, because in it I express all my needs, and I know that with your infinite mercy, from today you will begin to act in my life and allow that it comes true, that miracle that I need so much.

Help me Lord Jesus, pious and compassionate beloved Father, to forgive the offenses that others do to me, just as you forgive my sins and my faults, and may your mercy reach me and likewise continue to flow greatly towards all humanity. I also ask you, good Father, to increase your grace among men and fill us with people who are committed to making your word and your blessings known and thus understand the immense love you have for us.

Help me Lord Jesus to let my brothers know that you are the light of the world and you are our only hope of salvation. Beloved Father, if possible, also grant me the gift of humility, obedience and wisdom to appreciate the great love I receive from you daily and give me your Holy Spirit, so as not to let myself be deceived by the pleasures of this earthly world and so as not to distance myself from you, to know you and accept your will.

Help me, sweet Jesus of my life, not to keep hatred, envy, grudges or resentments in my soul, so that my luggage is light and I can be happy with what is fair, with what is necessary and that earthly things do not steal my peace, tranquility and freedom.

Lord Jesus, I thank you on this day and forever, I praise you, adore you and bless you my beloved Father, because your mercy accompanies me and teaches me to live each day as if it were the last, it prevents me from falling into temptation and keep me from evil. Enlighten me Holy Father with your radiant light to do what is right, at the right time and in the right place and show yourself merciful, my Lord, being my refuge, my shield and my strength in any difficult situation, because I love you and I need you forever. forever.


Now do the Creed, an Our Father, three Hail Marys and three Glories.