Prayer to the guardian angel

The guardian angels -spiritual creatures- they are sent by God to protect and care for humanity. God loves us so much that he chooses, for each one of us, a faithful being who will accompany us throughout our lives. In addition to fulfilling his duty to protect him, these heavenly spirits they are in charge of transmitting our prayers to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Although many false beliefs about angels have emerged over the years, Catholics see the guardian angel as a spiritual guide that it can, if we invoke it, enlighten us in our decisions and actions to advance more safely towards the kingdom of God (this it does with all respect for our freedom).

In a homily at the feast of the Holy Guardian Angelsheld on October 2Pope Francis encouraged us to ask ourselves this question: “How is my relationship with this angel that the Lord has sent to guard me and accompany me along the way, and who always sees the face of the Father who is in heaven?”

Novena to the Guardian Angel

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Daily prayers to my guardian angel

Angele Dei, daily prayer for her guardian angel

“God’s angel,

that you are my custodian,

since the sovereign piety

has entrusted me to you,

enlighten me, save me,

rule me and govern me.


Prayer to the Guardian Angel of Padre Pio

“Holy Guardian Angel, protect my soul and my body.

light up my mind

to know the Lord better

and love him with all my heart.

assist me in my prayers

so you don’t give in to distractions

and pay the greatest attention.

Help me with your advice

so that he sees the good and fulfills it with generosity.

Defend me from the snares of the infernal enemy,

sustain me in temptations

so that you will always be able to beat them.

Supplant, eliminate my coldness in the worship of the Lord:

do not stop attending to my custody

until you take me to paradise,

where we will praise the Good God together for all eternity.”

Morning and evening prayers to your guardian angel

Our guardian angel is our daily companion, who is present by our side day and night. Therefore, we can address him when we get up through a morning prayer, the Angel Dei, or a simple greeting (for example, a “good morning”). Similarly, before going to sleep we can make an evening prayer or a prayer of thanks. Some saints, like Saint Padre Pio or the santo Cura d’ArsThey explain to us that they have always been very close to their guardian angels. For example, Padre Pio wrote beautiful prayers to his guardian angel.

It is important to know that we can pray to our guardian angel at any time of the day, whenever we need his help, however, we can also pray at different times of the day with the Liturgy of the hours. In fact, sometimes we find prayers to the angels during the Angelus prayer or during prayers, to name a few examples.

Prayer of consecration to my holy guardian angel

“Oh my personal Holy Guardian Angel, since providence destined me to protect myself against all evil, danger and preternatural action, and once my father and founder also expressed his express wish that I consecrate myself as a slave to you, I thus hand over to you my body with all its members, my soul with all its powers and with all its past, present and future merits, as well as all the material goods that belong to me.

At this moment in which I gave my whole being and its assets into your hands, I beg you to take full account and possession of me and assuming me, give me the gift of participating in your gifts, virtues, powers and graces. So be it.”

Some children’s prayers to their guardian angel

Prayer I

“Holy Guardian Angel,

treasure of the Lord, that of the

Heaven sent you to

be my keeper I beg you

blessed angel free me

and save me from the bonds of

evil now and forever. Amen.”

Prayer II

“The hours that pass,

the hours of the day,

if you are with me

they will be of joy

Do not leave me alone,

be in everything my guide;

I am small and without you

I would get lost,

Always come by my side

your hand in mine


Prayer III

“Guardian angel,

sweet company!

bless the light of day

and the Lord who sends it to us.

Blessed Child Jesus,

Blessed Holy Mary!”

-source: webindario

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