Prayers to ask God for peace of mind

we live stressful lives (full of worries about work, mental load, conflicts…) and many of us suffer of anguish, more or less intensewhich can become anxiety disorders. As for all our pains, physical or mental, we can pray for healing and give them to the Lord. In fact, prayer is a powerful remedy for stress and anxiety, which often stem from our willingness (and inability) to control everything.

God, like a loving father, invites us to present our lives and problems before his presence, and to trust him. As described by Charles Péguy in The porch of the mystery of the second virtueGod might tell us with amusement, “I think you could perhaps without great loss leave your affairs in my hands, wise men, because perhaps I am as wise as you. I think you could be unconcerned for one night and the next day not even find your affairs too spoiled…

So let’s pray and let us lay all our fears, worries and anxieties at the feet of the Lordjust as Saint Paul invites us: “Do not be distressed by anything, and in any circumstance, resort to prayer and supplication, accompanied by thanksgiving, to present your requests to God. Then the peace of God, which surpasses all we can think, will take care of your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).

9 days with Saint Francis of Assisi!

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Prayers to calm our anguish

Prayer to appease the heart of Saint Teresa of Ávila

“Nothing disturbs you,

Nothing scares you

everything passes,

God does not change


It reaches everything;

Who has God

Nothing is missing:

God alone is sufficient.”

Prayer of abandonment to the Lord of Saint Teresa of Ávila

“In the silence I am completely sure of you,

Oh Lord Jesus, You, my Savior.

Silence calms my longing for you,

I am protected there.

Silence quenches the thirst of my soul,

You are my living water.

Silence satisfies the hunger of my heart,

You are my living bread.

Silence stops my thoughts

I abandon myself in you.

Silence calms my actions,

You act on me.

Silence calms my ears

I only want to perceive your Word.

Silence soothes my eyes

I want to see you and stay with you.

Silence satisfies me in you.”

Novena with Saint Teresa of Jesus, a very human mystic

3448 members

Act of abandonment to Divine Providence

“Providence of my God, admirable and divine Providence, infinitely enlightened, that foresees everything and that provides everything, infinitely wise Providence, that governs everything with order, weight and measure, I adore you in all your dispositions.

I abandon myself to you without reserve; I put my fate in your hands. I entrust to you the care of my body, my soul, my health and my reputation; of my goods and my fortune, of my life and my death, and above all my eternal salvation, with the firm conviction that nowhere will I be better than in your hands.

I no longer want to govern myself by myself, I want to let myself be governed in everything by Providence.

I don’t want to give myself over to useless concerns or superfluous care. Doing what God commands me, I will entrust to Providence the success of all my undertakings and all my work; I will expect all goodness from her and will always rest in her.

I will undertake nothing that I do not entrust to Providence, and in all my difficulties and concerns I will look to it as an infallible resource. I will put all my trust in her, hoping that she will preserve me from the evils I fear or give me the strength to bear them with patience if she sends them to me and thus they will be profitable to me.

I will fear only the only evil which is sin. I will always keep this truth in mind, that everything that happens to me is a disposition and an effect of Providence, convinced that God cares for me as if I were the only one in the world.

Thus, calm in everything and content with everything, I want to live and die under the rule and orders of divine Providence; I do not want to separate myself from her for a single moment, I will not try to rush her or postpone her, I will wait patiently for the moments that she fixes and determines; all my attention will be to study it and follow it even in the smallest things.

Holy and kind Providence, I thank you for all the charitable care you have wanted to lavish on a creature as small and weak as I am. I humbly and insistently beg you to continue lavishing them on me.

Guide all my steps, regulate all my actions, govern me in all the moments of my life; dispose of me and everything that belongs to me as you please, for your greater glory and for my salvation.


bible verses against stress

While it is true that we live in a society where stress is widespread, it is also true that people’s anxieties and worries are as old as the world. Yet throughout the Bible, we are reminded God’s fatherly love and care for usY the importance of trusting him.

In our moments of anguish, it is good to choose a verse that resonates with us and repeat it throughout the day. The Word of God will act as a comforting and calming balm on our troubled hearts.

“The Lord is My Shepherd,

I can’t miss anything.

He makes me rest in green meadows,

leads me to still waters

and repair my strength;

guide me on the right path,

For love of his name.

Though I cross through dark ravines,

I will fear no evil

because you are with me:

your rod and your staff give me confidence.

You prepare a table before me,

in front of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil

and my cup overflows.

Your goodness and your grace accompany me

throughout my life;

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord,

for a very long time.” (Psalm 23)

“I go to bed in peace and immediately fall asleep,

because only you, Lord, ensure my rest.” (Psalm 4:9)

“Do not fear, because I am with you, do not worry, because I am your God; I strengthen you and help you, I support you with my victorious hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

“I leave you peace, I give you my peace, but not as the world gives it. Do not be anxious or afraid!” (John 14:27)

“What will we say after all this? If God is with us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

Calm your mind with prayer and surrender your anxieties to God with !

Join this prayer community and receive reflections so that you learn to trust in God, and to be strong during difficult times.

Ask your guardian angel to guide you and help you in all your difficulties of the day; lean on this partner that God sent you with this prayer community to your guardian angel.

Ask Santa Rita for the inner attitudes necessary in difficult times. Ask him for strength, peace and hope with this novena.

Ask Jesus to free you from the anxiety that prevents you from living as a child of God, free and joyful, with the help of this novena of prayer and inner healing.