Prosperity prayer for my business

Eternal Father, I am so grateful to you my Lord, because you have given me so much, because you allow me to have life and enjoy each of your blessingsThank you my good God, because you pour out on me what I need so much and because you always keep me in mind.

Today I want to thank you too beloved Lord, because I can enjoy health and I can enjoy my life, thanks because I have gotten out of bed and I have been able to carry out my daily activities; Thank you eternal Lord, because you give me the opportunity to do what pleases me most.

You have always shown me your love Father, you never leave me alone at any time in my life. You always hear my prayers, you always listen to my regrets and sorrows, you are always ready for my needs and you grant me your forgiveness when I need it most, when I am wrong or when I fail you, my Father.

You never leave my soul in darkness God, everything that I have implored in your name has been granted to me based on your plan and your wisdom, therefore, when I cried out to You asking for your favor to be able to obtain this business that I have come to start your hands today, you listened to my prayers and what I asked for so much was given to me.

Today I want to thank you for making this possible, because even when many did not believe in me, you never took away your trust and you made me believe in myself and in my potential to carry out this dream that many times I thought impossible and that thanks to You, today is a reality.

I do not ask for riches Father, I do not ask for more than what I can obtain with my constant work, but yes I beg you Most Holy God, for my prosperity and that of my business, so that the difficulties of the environment do not make me falter, and that I can stand firm and always look forward with this business that in all your generosity, you allowed me to have.

Blessed and adored Redeemer, day to day is not easy; the competition is great, the ups and downs are sometimes constant and mistakes at work can bring discouragement to my life. Don’t let that happen to me Lord, Give me the ability to face each of the problems that come to my business.

I ask you, my Lord, to give me wisdom to make the right decisions, decisions that give prosperity to my work, that help me carry out this business that I need so much to cover my needs and pay my expenses.

Give me, blessed Lord, your trust, to never stop believing in me and my abilities.I know that the path to professional success is not easy, but I also know that nothing is impossible for you, and that taken by your hand everything makes sense and everything achieves its objective.

In this prayer Holy Father, I want to ask for your blessing, so that misfortune does not fall on my business Lord, do not allow my God, that evil damage what it cost me so much effort to achieve.

Keep away those people who only approach me with interested intentions, who only seek profit and are not sincere from the heart, do not allow their hypocrisy to deceive me, and to fall into traps to make my business fail.

Bless, Father of goodness, this dream, bless every step I take and help me to carry out this business, give me prosperity Lord, may I grow daily with my effort and your grace, that I keep my eyes forward and that I never take the easy path my Lord, do not let go of your hand, beloved God, I ask you everything with all my heart in the name of your beloved Son, blessed Jesus Christ, Amen.