psalm 1

What is happiness? Everywhere people desperately search for that state in which we feel fulfilled and full of joy, but sometimes this search for happiness leads us to take different paths, sometimes unsuccessful, to try to have it. However, who better than our creator to reveal to us what makes us truly happy? In fact, in the Holy Scriptures we can find the path that leads us to happiness: for example, psalm 1which we present below, is a biblical passage very explicit that reveals the concept of happiness according to God.

knows the importance of happiness and invites you to discover together how to live it while walking on this earth. That’s why come and appropriate this psalm of happiness to make it a reality in your life!

With Santa Clara I advance on my path with confidence and joy!

748 members

Happy man…

“1 Happy the man
who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
Nor does he stop in the way of sinners,
Nor does he sit in the assembly of the wicked,
2 but delights in the law of the Lord
and meditates on it day and night!
3 He is like a tree
planted at the water’s edge,
that bears fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never wither:
everything you do will work out for you.
4 It is not so with the wicked:
they are like chaff that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not prevail in judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous;
6 for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked ends badly.”

19853 members

Discover the secrets of happiness with

God is joy and love: He loves us infinitely and wants us to be happy, therefore, we must remain in the Lord through prayer, and recognize that He is the source of true joy:

  • Furthermore, we must understand that gratitude is a path to happinessso it is necessary to start thanking God for his goodness, through these beautiful prayers to thank God, and these verses to thank the Lord.
  • Secondly, praise it also allows us to open our hearts to the grace of God, and this in turn leads us down the path of happiness: do not hesitate to exalt the name of God with songs, hymns, words, actions and an attitude of continuous offering.
  • In addition, we invite you to be part of this online community so that, through the intercession of Santa Clara, we can move forward on our path of LIFE with confidence and joy.

Come and live the true happiness of God with !