psalm 119

As Christians, our reference book is the Biblethat is why we read it every day, meditate on its verses and discover the wonderful advice and revelations that are hidden in this beautiful book. However, very often we forget that the bible words come from God himself, therefore, it is necessary to understand that the Holy writings they are indispensable to access the wisdom and heart of our Creator and Father! …Let us read this psalm and give thanks to God for his precious word!

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Psalm 119:96-130

“96 I have verified that all perfection is limited:
how broad, instead, are your commandments!
97 How I love your law,
I think about it all day!
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
because they are always with me.
99 I am wiser than all my teachers,
because I always meditate your prescriptions.
100 I am smarter than the elderly,
because I observe your precepts.
101 I keep my feet from the evil path,
to keep your word.
102 I do not separate myself from your judgments,
Because you are the one who teaches me.
103 How sweet is your word to my mouth,
is sweeter than honey!
104 Your precepts make me understand:
That’s why I hate the path of lies.
105 Your word is a lamp for my steps,
and a light on my path.
106 I swore an oath – and I stand by it –
to fulfill your just decisions.
107 I am so sorry, Lord:
revive me according to your word.
108 Accept, Lord, the offerings of my lips,
and show me your decisions.
109 My life is in constant danger,
but I do not forget your law.
110 Sinners set a trap for me,
but I do not deviate from your precepts.
111 Your prescriptions are my heritage forever,
because they make my heart happy.
112 I am determined to fulfill your precepts,always and perfectly
113 I hate the duplicity of the heart
and I love your law,
114 You are my protection and my shield:
I hope in your word.
115 Let the wicked depart from me:
I will keep the commandments of my God.
116 Be my support according to your promise, and I will live:
May my hope not be disappointed.
117 Give me your support and I will be saved,
and I will fix my gaze on your precepts.
118 You abandon those who stray from your precepts,
because everything they think is a lie.
119 You eliminate the wicked like dross,
That’s why I love your prescriptions.
120 My flesh trembles with fear for you,
and I respect your decisions.
121 I have acted according to law and justice:
do not hand me over to my oppressors.
122 Grant a guarantee in my favor,
so that the proud do not oppress me.
123 My eyes are consumed by your salvation
and for your promise of justice.
124 Treat me according to your kindness,
and teach me your precepts.
125 I am your servant: instruct me,
and so I will know your prescriptions,
126 Lord, the time to act has arrived;
They have broken your law.
127 That’s why I love your commandments
and I prefer them to the finest gold.
128 That is why I am guided by your precepts
and I hate every deceitful way.
129 Your prescriptions are admirable:
That’s why I watch them.
130 The explanation of your word illuminates
and gives intelligence to the ignorant.”

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