psalm 35

“«Do not touch my anointed ones nor mistreat my prophets».” Psalm 105:15. Let us keep in mind that God always protects and helps his people. However, when we are presented with unpleasant situations, we can come to think “Why doesn’t God put an end to this suffering or deliver me from this injustice?”… To tell the truth, the Lord wants to defend us, but we must pray and invite him to come and do us justice. For example, you can recite this psalm from the Bible to cry out to God for his divine intervention and proclaim our faith, knowing that He is strong, just and delivers us from all evil.

Archangels: servants of God and protection for men

2248 members

Text of Psalm 35

“1 Fight, Lord, those who attack me,

fight against those who make war against me.

2 Take the shield and the buckler,

get up and come to my aid;

3 wields spear and javelin

to face my pursuers;

tell me: «I am your salvation».

4 Let them suffer a humiliating defeat

those who try to take my life;

turn their backs confused

those who plot my downfall.

5 Let them be like chaff before the wind,

while the Angel of the Lord drags them;

6 may your path be dark and slippery,

while the Angel of the Lord persecutes them.

7 Because they spread their nets for me without cause

and they dug me a deadly grave:

8 Let an unforeseen disaster surprise you;

let them be caught in their own nets,

and fall into the pit they themselves dug!

9 But I will rejoice in the Lord,

I will rejoice in your victory;

10 my whole being will proclaim:

“Lord, there is no one like you;

you deliver the weak from the hands of the strongest,

and the poor, from him who despoils him.

11 False witnesses come against me;

they ask me to account for things that I ignore;

12 return bad for good,

leaving my soul desolate.

13 I, on the other hand, when they were sick,

I covered myself with penitent clothes,

afflicted my soul with fasts

and prayed with bowed head.

14 They were to me like a friend or a brother,

and I was sad and downcast,

like someone who mourns the death of his mother.

15 But when I stumbled they rejoiced,

they all gathered against me

and they hit me unexpectedly;

They tore me up endlessly

16 they mocked me cruelly

and gnashed their teeth against me.

17 Lord, how long will you tolerate it?

Deliver me from the roaring animals,

save my life from lions;

18 and I will give you thanks in the great assembly,

I will praise you in the midst of a crowd.

19 Let not my treacherous enemies sing victory,

nor let those who hate me for no reason wink their eyes!

20 They do not speak of peace,

but they attack the oppressed of the earth;

hatch deceitful plans

21 and they roar with laughter at me, saying:

“We have seen it with our own eyes.”

22 You have also seen it, Lord, do not be silent;

do not stay far from me, Lord;

23 wake up, get up, my God,

My Lord, defend my cause!

24 Judge me according to your justice, Lord;

My God, let them not sing victory over me;

25 not to think, “Our wish has come true,”

nor say: “We have devoured him.”

26 Let them suffer a humiliating defeat

those who rejoice at my misfortune;

cover themselves with confusion and shame

those who are brave against me.

27 Sing instead, and rejoice,

those who wish my triumph;

those who wish my happiness,

always repeat: “How great is the Lord

who delights in the peace of his servant!

28 Then my tongue will proclaim your justice,

and every day I will proclaim your praise.”

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