psalm 46

It is necessary to take into account that discouragement, fear, Y the disappointment they can lead us to a state of deep distrust regarding the promises of God. Therefore, we must be careful not to stop believing in the Lord, or reach the extreme of not expecting anything from Him… On the other hand, when the road is difficult, we must remember that God will not leave us there, but He Promise a future full of hope to those who wait and persevere in faith.

knows the importance of trusting in God and invites you to reflect on who God is for us, and to what extent we believe that He will fulfill what He has said.

Let us surrender as we meditate on this psalm! Let us behold the power of him and acknowledge that he is God!

Observe and entrust this year to Jesus!

969 members

Psalm 45 (46)

“1 From the choirmaster. Of the sons of Korah. for oboes. Singing.
2 God is our refuge and strength,
always ready help in danger.
3 Therefore we do not fear, though the earth shakes
and the mountains collapse to the bottom of the sea;
4 Though its waves roar and toss,
and with their impetus shake the mountains.
The Lord of hosts is with us,
our stronghold is the God of Jacob.
5 The channels of the River make glad the City of God,
the most holy abode of the Most High.
6 God is in her midst: he will never falter;
he will help her at dawn.
7 Nations tremble, kingdoms totter:
he makes his voice heard and the earth melts.
8 The Lord of hosts is with us,
our stronghold is the God of Jacob.
9 Come and see the works of the Lord,
he does admirable things on earth:
10 eliminates war to the ends of the world;
break the bow, break the spear
and set the shields on fire.
eleven Surrender and acknowledge that I am God:
I am above the nations,
above all the earth.
12 The Lord of hosts is with us,
our stronghold is the God of Jacob.”

Novena of abandonment to the Will of God

142 members

Surrender and trust in God with

The Lord speaks to us through his Word, which is living and effective. In fact, when we read and meditate on the Bible, we can have a dialogue with God that fills us with strength. For this reason, proposes various spiritual proposals to help you integrate Bible reading and prayer into your daily life. For example, you can:

Trust in God and fill yourself with strength in his presence with !