Psalm 77 Prayer – Meditation on God’s Mighty Acts

With my voice I cried out to God;
I cried out to God with my voice, and he heard me.

I sought the Lord in the day of my distress;
my hands stretched out at night without tiring;
my soul refused comfort.

I remembered God and it disturbed me;
I complained and fainted my spirit. Selah

You kept the lids of my eyes open;
I was broken and could not speak.

I considered the days of yore,
the years of ancient times.

I remembered my songs at night;
I meditated in my heart
and my spirit inquired:

Will the Lord cast off forever
and show no more his favour?

Has his mercy ceased forever?
Has he finished his word for generation after generation?

Has God forgotten to have mercy?
Has he shut up his tender mercies in anger? Selah

And I said: My sickness is this;
I will therefore bring to memory the years of the right hand of the Most High.

I will remember the works of JAH;
yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.

And I will meditate on all your works
and I will speak of your deeds.

Oh God, holy is your way.
What god is great like our God?

You are the God who does wonders;
you made your power known among the peoples.

With your arm you have redeemed your people,
to the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah

The waters saw you, oh God;
The waters saw you and were afraid;
the abysses also trembled.

The clouds cast floods of water;
the heavens thundered
and your arrows moved.

The voice of your thunder was in the storm;
lightning flashes lit up the world;
trembled and the earth trembled.

In the sea was your way,
and your paths in the many waters;
and your footsteps were not known.

You led your people like sheep
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.