Psalms of strength in difficult times

when we pass by tests or feel overwhelmed by difficulties, we may be tempted to believe that we are alone or abandoned. For this reason, it is necessary that we can express our emotions to the Lord (fears, anger, feeling of injustice) so that we can open our hearts to his grace and let him act in our lives.

God knows everything about us, and through the Biblehis living Word, we can find the words we need to express our sufferings and cry out to him with all our hearts.

Below we present several psalms, which are beautiful poetic texts of the Old Testament and they will help you to pray in difficult moments.

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3 psalms of strength for times of trial

Psalm 42: Why do you get depressed, my soul? Why do you fret?

“As the thirsty deer seeks streams of water, so my soul yearns for you, my God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God: when will I go to contemplate the face of God?
Tears are my only bread day and night, while they constantly ask me: “Where is your God?”
Remembering the past, I get carried away with nostalgia: how I walked in the middle of the crowd and led it to the
House of God, between songs of joy and praise, in the joy of the party!
Why are you depressed, my soul? Why do you fret?
Wait on God, and I will give thanks again, to him, who is my savior and my God.
My soul is depressed: that’s why I remember you, from the land of Jordan and Hermon, from Mount Misar.
An abyss calls another abyss, with the thunder of your waterfalls; your torrents and your waves passed over me.
By day, the Lord will give me his grace; and at night, I will sing my praise to the God of my life.
I will say to my God: «My Rock, why have you forgotten me? Why should I be sad, oppressed by my enemy?».
My bones are broken by the mockery of my adversaries; while they ask me endlessly: “Where is your God?”
Why are you depressed, my soul? Why do you fret?
Wait on God, and I will give thanks again, to him, who is my savior and my God.

Psalm 91: The Lord is my refuge

“You who live under the protection of the Most High and reside in the shadow of the Almighty, say to the Lord: «My refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I trust».
He will deliver you from the hunter’s net and from the pernicious plague; he will cover you with his feathers, and you will find shelter under his wings.
You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that lurks in the darkness, nor the plague that ravages in full sun.
Though a thousand may fall on your left and ten thousand on your right, you will not be hit: his arm is shield and breastplate.
With just a glance, you will see the punishment of the wicked, because you made the Lord your refuge and put the Most High as your defense.
No evil will reach you, no plague will come near your tent, because you made the Lord your refuge and put the Most High as your defense.
They will carry you in their hands so that you do not stumble against any stone; you will walk on lions and vipers, you will trample lion cubs and serpents.
«He gave himself to me, therefore, I will glorify him; I will protect him, because he knows my Name; he will call on me, and I will answer him.
I will be with him in danger, I will defend him and glorify him; I will make him enjoy a long life and I will make him see my salvation.

Psalm 130: from the depths I invoke you, Lord

“From the depths I invoke you, Lord, Lord, hear my voice!
May your ears be attentive to the clamor of my prayer.
If you take into account the faults, Lord, who will be able to survive?
But in you is forgiveness, so that you are feared.
My soul waits on the Lord, and I trust in his word.
My soul awaits the Lord, more than the sentinel the dawn.
As the sentinel waits for the dawn, Israel waits for the Lord, because mercy and redemption are found in abundance in him: he will redeem Israel from all her sins.”

5 Bible verses to invoke God in times of trial

“Why do you stay away, Lord, and hide yourself in times of danger?” (Psalm 10:1)

“How long will you forget me, Lord? Eternally? Until when you’ll hide your face from me?” (Psalm 13:2)

“Look at me, answer me, Lord, my God! Light up my eyes.” (Psalm 12:4)

“I invoke you by day, and you do not answer, by night, and I find no rest” (Psalm 22:3)

“Listen, Lord, I call on you with a loud voice, have mercy on me and answer me! My heart knows that you said, “Seek my face.” I seek your face, Lord, do not take it away from me. (Psalm 27:7-9)

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