Rosary to the Holy Spirit

The rosary is a beautiful form of prayer that invites the meditation and to take some time to have a deep prayer. The rosary (special) to the Holy Spirit either chaplet to the Holy Spirit It allows us to meditate, through ten mysteries, on his action in the Gospels and his presence in our lives. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit and open the door of our hearts to transform our lives!

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How to pray the chaplet to the Holy Spirit?


This version of the Rosary is done like the prayer of the rosary beads traditional, so we use the same rosary (instrument). However, there is also another version that can be prayed with a special 7 beads rosary either pearls. If you do not have it, you can use the traditional rosary without problems. To pray this special rosary or chaplet, you can follow these steps:

Every tenth is dedicated to a mystery; for each mystery:

  • We announce the mystery that is going to be meditated

  • In each of the beads or small pearls we invoke the Holy Spirit: “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love”.

  • On the large bead or pearl we pray the prayer: “Send your Spirit, and everything will be created.” You will renew the face of the earth.”

  • At the end of the Rosary, we can pray to the Lord: “O God, who has instructed the hearts of your faithful through the light of the Holy Spirit, let us know, by this same Spirit, what is good, and benefit unceasingly from your divine consolations. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. ”

The 10 mysteries of the Holy Spirit

The 10 mysteries of the Holy Spirit are divided into two groups of 5 mysteries each. We can pray them all at the same time, pray only 5 mysteries (5 tens) or pray only one each day (one ten).

First set of mysteries

1-The Holy Spirit in Mary, at the moment of the Incarnation

2-The Holy Spirit manifested in the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River

3-The Holy Spirit leading Jesus into the desert

4-The Holy Spirit promised by Jesus and awaited by the apostles

5-The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Second group of mysteries

1-The Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity

2-The Holy Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ

3-The Holy Spirit in Mary

4-The Holy Spirit in the Church

5-The Holy Spirit in each baptized person

devotion to the Holy Spirit

Just as it is important to pray to God the Father and trust in Jesus, it is also important to pray to the Holy Spirit. The third person of the Trinity can act concretely in our lives, especially through theThe 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. To learn more about his action in our lives we can make a novena to the Holy Spirit, we can also invoke him through litanies to the Holy Spirit or beautiful prayers such as the Veni Creator or the Veni Sancte Spiritus.

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