Saint Eudoxia – March 1

Eudoxia was born in Palestine in Samaria, a village that refused to receive Jesus due to the rivalry between the two peoples. It was also there that an important and wonderful encounter between Jesus and a local resident took place, who welcomed Jesus and converted.

Despite being born in the region of Palestine, Eudoxia in Heliópolis in Phoenicia, was a woman of great beauty, who, due to pagan impulses, abandoned her family and lived a wanton and debauched life.

Such was her beauty, that she received gifts from several men who sought to marry her, as a result of which she accumulated enormous wealth over the years.

The Conversion

Once while listening to the monk Germanus pray, she was enchanted by those words, and decided to learn more about them, thus Saint Eudoxia spent a long period isolated and learning more about the word of God.

During the period of studies with Germano, Saint Eudoxia had a vision of St. Michael the Archangelthus confirming her repentance and conversion, soon after returning to Heliópolis where she would be baptized, then freeing her slaves and donating her goods to the poorest.

The chase

After her baptism and conversion Saint Eudoxia lived for several years in a women’s convent, praying to purify her soul, thus finding God’s love.

During her period at the convent Santa Eudóxia performed several cures through her prayers, becoming famous throughout the region, but with this she ended up arousing the wrath of the then mayor Aureliano, a pagan man, who would give orders for the convent to be invaded, and Saint Eudoxia was executed.

The soldiers sent when approaching the convent gates were not even able to pass, and ended up returning scared claiming to see an image of a dragon, which according to Saint Eudoxia was the presence of St. Michael the Archangel that protected the place.

After several failed attempts, Aureliano sent more troops to the convent, this time under the leadership of his son, who, upon seeing the image of the dragon that protected the place, instantly fell dead. The mayor, without knowing what to do, asked a tribune to look for the your child’s body.

The tribune then sends a letter to Saint Eudoxia who responds saying that upon seeing the boy’s body she resurrected him, causing Aureliano and his family to convert to Christianity after this miracle.

Death and Canonization

After the miracle of Aureliano’s son, Eudoxia dedicated herself to healing the sick and helping those in need, converting several pagans over time, becoming Mother Superior of the convent.

She would later be reported to Emperor Trajan, who would order her execution.

Saint Eudoxia was then executed on March 1, 114, being canonized shortly after her death due to the martyrdom of giving her life for faith in Jesus Christ.

To this day, the tradition and celebrations in his honor continue on March 1st to remember his example