Saint Mark

The Gospel of Mark It is the second book of the New Testament, after the Gospel of Matthew and before Luke. In fact, although it is the shortest gospel, it is said that it was the first to be written, around the year 55-68 AD On the other hand, because the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke present several similarities, they are known as synoptic gospels.
We invite you to discover below the particularity of the good news who announced Mark the Evangelist in his book.

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Structure of the Gospel of Mark

Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus

In the first chapter, Mark presents Jesus as the Christ, that is, as the Son of God. He then goes back to the writings of Isaiah, in the Old Testament, to show that John was the messenger whose mission was to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ ministry in Galilee

From chapters 1 to 7 we see how Jesus taught the multitudes, healed the sick, freed the demon-possessed and fed the multitudes of Galilee: that is a great summary of his earthly ministry!

Jesus’ ministry outside Galilee

“When Jesus was returning from the region of Tyre, he passed through Sidon and went towards the Sea of ​​Galilee, crossing the territory of the Decapolis” (Mark 7:31). This passage marks the beginning of Jesus’ journey out of his land, towards the territory of the Decapolis and Judea.

The ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem

From chapter 11 to 13 we see Jesus teaching and proclaiming the kingdom of God in Jerusalem. For example, here we can find the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem: “Those who went before and those who followed Jesus shouted: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed be the Kingdom that is coming, the Kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:9-10).

Death and resurrection of Jesus

From chapter 14 to 16 we see the circumstances that preceded and followed the death of Jesus, that is, the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the arrest, the crucifixion and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, like the Gospel of Matthew, the book of Mark also ends with the instruction to go to all nations to share the good news of Christ.

Who was the evangelist Mark?

While it is true that Mark was not one of the 12 apostles, it is known that he would have been an eyewitness to the life of Jesus. For example, in the Acts of the Apostles, the Bible presents him as a companion of Paul and Barnabas, his cousin (Acts 15: 37-39), later, it also shows him as a companion of Peter (1 Peter 5:13 ). Furthermore, Mark, or John Mark, is said to have been the son of a woman named Mary (Acts 12:12), and it seems that one of his gospel passages, about a young man who followed Jesus and ended up running away, refers to him (Mark 14:51-52).

But how does Mark introduce Jesus to us? although the gospels of Mark and Matthew are very similar (the book of Matthew contains 600 of the 661 verses in the book of Mark), it is worth noting that Mark focuses more on the deeds and miracles of Jesus than on his words (so which cites 18 miracles and only 4 parables), that is, the Gospel of Mark shows us Jesus in action!

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5 beautiful verses from the Gospel of Mark

The Jesus Prayer

“In the morning, before daybreak, Jesus got up, went out, and went to a deserted place; there he was praying” (Mark 1:35).

Jesus, the Son of God

“Then a cloud covered them with its shadow, and a voice came out of it: «This is my beloved Son, listen to him»” (Mark 9:7).

Everything is possible for the one who believes

“If you can…!” Jesus replied. “Everything is possible for the one who believes”. Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed: “I believe, help me because I have little faith”” (Mark 9:23-24).

The believer’s prayer

“That is why I tell you: When you ask for something in prayer, believe that you already have it and you will get it. And when you stand up to pray, if you have something against someone, forgive him, and the Father who is in heaven will also forgive your faults »” (Mark 11:24-25).

be a believer

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. He who does not believe will be condemned. And these wonders will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my Name and speak new tongues; they will be able to take the snakes with their hands, and if they drink a deadly poison it will not do them any harm; They will lay hands on the sick and heal them.” (Mark 16:16-18).

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