Saint Monica: life, work, prayers

Biography of Monica of Hippo

The story of Santa Monica is known thanks to the immense work of his son Agustín, confessions . Monica was born around the year 332, in North Africa, into a Christian family. She was married young to a notable pagan from the city of Tagaste (now Algeria), Patrick. Although her husband was unfaithful and violent, Monica was an exemplary wife because of her patience and her silence in the face of her reproaches, she would eventually achieve her husband’s conversion. At least three children will be born from their union, including Saint Augustine. Monica raises her children in the living and pious Christian faith, in 371 she is left a widow.

His son Agustín deviated from the path of Christian life, living with a woman, having a child without being married and above all for adhering to Manichaeism. Monica follows him to Italy where she meets Bishop Ambrose who announces to her: “It is impossible for the son of such tears to be lost”. In fact, he never stops praying for his conversion. Having had the joy of seeing him converted and baptized, she will always be by her side to support him. Agustín often repeated that his mother had “twice begotten”. In 387, at Ostia, near Rome, the two shared a mystical experience evoked by San Agustin in the confessions. A few days later, Monica suddenly falls ill and dies, begging her children not to go out of their way for her burial, but to pray for her at the altar, wherever they are.

Santa Monica is celebrated on August 27, the eve of the feast of Saint Augustine. She is considered a model and patron saint of christian mothers . Santa Monica is also the protector of widows .

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Prayers to Saint Monica

Santa Monica , mother of Saint Augustine , never stopped praying for her son when he abandoned the Christian faith and virtues. His prayer was widely heard when this son converted, was baptized and radically changed his life, and deciding to live consecrated to the Lord in community he became one of the greatest Fathers of the Church. Today, Saint Monica, patron saint of Christian mothers , is active in heaven to support all mothers facing the evil paths their children take. She joins her prayers and her intercession always gets miracles back to God. Are here the prayers to Santa Monica :

Praying for your children with Saint Monica

O God, who had mercy on the tears of Saint Monica, and who granted her ardent prayers not only the conversion of her son, but also his dazzling holiness, we implore you for our children with such faith and humility, to obtain, like her, His salvation and our own sanctification. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer to Saint Monica to pray patiently without getting discouraged

“Oh Saint Monica, you who have prayed for many years, with admirable patience, for your son, your husband and the other members of your family, so that they repent and convert to faith in the Triune God;
That you waited so long not knowing if your prayers would be heard.
I beg you today: pray for me, that I may be patient in my daily trials.
That when I am tempted to lose my temper, be rude or react with anger, I pray to the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to stay calm, stay focused on the essentials and always live in that peace that is eternally in the world.
Saint Monica, thank you for being a model of patience for me and thank you for interceding for me.


Prayer for mothers, in union with Santa Monica.