Saint of the Day – History of Saint Aurélio | July 20th

The Church of Africa, during the years 392 to 429, was granted the holy government of the first Bishop of Carthage, who sanctified himself, making his people also holy. Saint Aurelius was born in the 4th century, and since he was a deacon he stood out for his charity, zeal, purity of life and the worship of the Liturgy.

The great Aurélio was Bishop responsible for an entire region and everyone called him – out of respect – “Saint Pope Aurelius”. He did not have great intellectual gifts, however, in Divine Providence, he had a great friendship with the wise man and Bishop of Hippo: Saint Augustine. United with the Doctor of Grace, he was able to combat the self-sufficiency of Pelagianism and other heresies that met with condemnation in his time.

Saint Augustine himself informed much of what we know today about Saint Aurelius, as he admired the prudence, piety and humility of this pastor and father, who did everything for the salvation of souls and the purity of Christian doctrine. Saint Aurelius went from the militant Church to the triumphant Church shortly before Saint Augustine, in 429.

Saint Aurelius, pray for us!